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Relations are just like your Money.
Hard to earn yet easy to burn.

M Y R A.

I'm in deep, deep deep trouble.

Just tell him the truth already.

What? No. God No.

"I... um... I-I" I stuttered because nothing popped up in my mind just then. It was literally a blank space filled with multiple question marks. It's hard lying around the people you love so much, at least for me.

I swear I usually lie effortlessly, I mean I'm a very smooth liar making things up on a the spot, lies better than JK Rowling's stories but it all goes out of the window when I have to do it around the people that matter a big deal to me.

I don't know what the fuck I should tell him.

I was stuttering. I'm pretty sure with the amount of time I've spent with Harry, it would take no time for him to catch me lying because he knows that when I stutter I'm either nervous or lying.

I mean everyone knows that!

Fucking Shit.

"IcameheretoseeyoubutyouweresleepingsoIwentothelibraryandwhenIwascomingdownItrippedandmyarmhittheendoftherailing" I said it in one breath. Not believing myself what I just said.

"Wh-at?" Harry said slowly but started laughing at me like a mad man and I punched him.

That lie wasn't all that bad though. Hmm. I will just stick to that.

"Okay. Okay." Harry said raising his hands up in defense. "You spoke so fast, I swear I couldn't understand a thing you just said. Come again and please talk at human speed" He still chuckled.

"Fine. Knock yourself out." I let out a breath, I didn't know I was holding back and began again. "As I said before, I really was missing you last night a little too much so I decided to come here and see you at the earliest time possible. When I came, Bill told me you were still asleep so I thought I'd just go through a few books in your library till you wake up. When I saw it was a good enough time to wake you up so, while I was coming down I tripped one of the stairs and rolled down the rest and um... there was a sharp nail sticking out which just pierced through my arm. That's all." I sighed. "But you needn't worry, I told one of your help around here to fix it and they did. All perfect." I added with a smile hoping he wouldn't interrogate any further.

"That's all right but you didn't ask them to at least clean the wound up?" He said with a tired sigh.

Didn't see that one coming.

"I had to see you so—" I started but he cut me off.

"Not at the cost of your safety."

"Harry I swear it's just a cut. It's nothing." I laughed. "Calm down, I'll live."

I saw him smile a bit but come back to worrying again.

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