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Live a Life that you will remember when you're fat and old ;)

M Y R A .

The uneven line that kept hitting different highs was now beeping in a same tune showing a flat line, absolutely loathing the piercing sound that was now audible to my ears.

No. No. No! Harry can't be dead. This is all a dream, a horrible one. I know so.

I whimpered as I plopped down onto the ground near his bed. This can't be happening.

"Hey. What are you doing here?" A male nurse plainly said to me but I didn't react.

"Sweetheart you have to go outside. You can't be here. I'm sorry." Another nurse, female, sat down next to me and placed her hands on my shoulder.

I didn't know what to do. I felt nothing. I didn't know anything. I felt numb.

"Myra. I'm sorry." Someone else came up in front of me and said. I looked up to see him who it was. "But we really did everything we could." Doctor Hess continued softly.

Tears were beginning to well up in my eyes.

I couldn't find my voice to respond. I folded my arms over my knees and rested my forehead on it and burst out crying.

"Get up honey. Let's get you out of here, alright?" The second nurse said to me with a soft smile and I obeyed.

She took me out of the busy room and made me sit down in the waiting room instead.

She said if I needed anything I could ask anyone out here at anytime to which I gratefully nodded. She gave me a bottle of water and rushed back to her current job.

I got up from where I was sitting with blood red eyes as I remembered something. I stood near the window and closed my eyes.

Vivid memories of Harry started going around in my mind. Moments of him laughing and giving that silly toothy grin came the most to me. My mind shifted to the time where he would say the most rubbish things just to make me smile. The time when he actually held me and wiped my tears.

My mind shifted back to my own family this time. I saw my brother and father standing next to my mother. I very clearly remember walking down the stairs and facing them. My dad called out to me and so did my brother, but I was too caught up in my own anger. I ignored my father and actually told my brother to fuck off before they left to see my uncle. Why? Because I had a stupid family day in school and the only family I would be getting to school that day was my mother.

As a kid I had a load of anger issues and it just kept on growing and have an adverse affect on my before that accident. The accident that costed my family. 

All these were just memories now. They were no longer where and neither was he.

Another chance given to me and I let it all go to waste. Again I let it all slip out of my hands without saying what I really meant.

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