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So I wanna dedicate this chapter to Friendlyleaf161 .
Honestly the best user on wattpad I have ever met.

Lover her positive comments :*

----Early Update----


If you're tired of starting over, Then STOP GIVING UP so soon!

M Y R A.

Damn Anne. You really had to come now?

"Myra." She remarked plainly.

"Anne." I replied in the same tone.

"Without wasting anytime, I will say this once and for all, Harry will not be any sort of entertainment for anyone."

"But Anne... You have to hear him sing! Give the man a chonc-- Chance." I mentally cursed at Niall for unintentionally changing my accent along the way. Anne just gave me a weird look.

"Look Charles. She wants to make him a damn singer." She looked over at King Charles and he gave her a simple shrug, Not understanding with what he was supposed to reply to her with.

"Myra. Girl. Harry is not going to be a laughing stock in our community. Now you may leave" She said bluntly, sounding annoyed.


"Enough." She said as politely as she could. "You may leave now."

This mother fucker I swear—

I quickly turned around to face Charles. "Sir. Sir please. You have to give him at least one opportunity to try something once." I looked at Charles with pleading eyes but he just sat there with an unreadable expression.

"Look. At least just listen to what I have to say completely." He let out a sigh and nodded in agreement.

"Well, I'm not sure if you know or not but Harry has always loved writing songs. Not only that, he genuinely enjoys singing and is actually good at both! I honestly feel, He will be a massive hit if you let him. Let him be the first prince to ever opt for public entertainment. He is truly blessed with a beautiful voice and the art of writing exactly the same. Please sir. Give him one chance, that's all we're asking for, just one chance to let him prove himself."

Charles seemed convinced by my talk when suddenly Anne interrupted.

Harry was right. She's a bloody bitch.

"Charles. No." She said in an offended voice. "It's not about Harry anymore. You know it." She did not budge her gaze from me. "Gemma is to be engaged. What makes you think that I am going to let Harry be the laughing talk amongst her future family? It is going to be so embarassing to hear 'Prince Harry Styles, Lady Gemma Styles' brother, is now singing to provide entertainment to the public.' Do you even know what Gemma and this family will have to go through because of this one stupid decision?" She spat angrily.

"So you guys are okay with killing someone's happiness just to maintain some pretentious status?" I interrupted.

"Mind you girl." She said dramatically. "Not just any status. He is to be the King and has a sister waiting in line."

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