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Okay so ik this is the lamest and fakest excuse you might ever listen to but I SWEAR ON GOD ITS THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH.

So my Wifi was down and my phone charging cord ripped from the socket. Like APPLE REALLY NEEDS TO DIX THIS PROBLEM!! But the main problem was my Wifi. I got my charger the very next day but my wifi was just....STUBBORN AF.

IK this is no excuse, But I promise to make it up to you guys!



Don't give up. Not yet. The begining is always difficult.


M Y R A.

Last night was fun, although Harry never showed up. Niall passed on the message that Harry had sent him earlier, saying that he had to cancel on the event because of some really important work that required his immediate attention.

Weird if you ask me, considering Harry, till now rarely missed any such events, especially when kids are involved. He just loves children. It's only if someone just passed away or is critical or anything as serious as such, otherwise it's highly unlikely for him to miss such things...

I really hope everything is well...

I finally slid off my bed and slipped into my dick attatched sliders; which by the way was the generous courtesy of El on my birthday a year or so back. The only reason I even wear them is because they are majorly comfortable. It's like I've stepped on some cloud full of cloud. That soft. On the other hand I never really have to worry about what someone might think of me since I already live alone, it's just the help around here that has to go through the pain of watching me everyday but that's all. Anyway, I was in this one pair of short shorts which was hella flowy that said "I can't today" near the waistline and an ACDC tank top.

It's all about the comfort.

I lazily descended the stairs and saw that the sliding door of my kitchen was still shut? Huh? The hell is it shut for?

Usually my maid, Lisa, who has my house keys, comes in and cleans up before I wake up. She never slides the door close before leaving. Oh my god. Don't tell me she went on an unannounced break or something because then I'll have to clean up my own mess today. Oh my friggin god! Just the thought of cleaning up the destruction I do after I finish cooking depresses me to the next level.

I took a deep breath before sliding the door open and suddenly, out of nowhere, Liam, Shawn, Ellie and Louis yelled a 'surprise!' into my ears from behind me. My heart started beating so fast that I could've sworn it would have pushed through my ribcage and fell right onto the floor just then.

"You fucking assholes. Oh my fuckin' god!" I kept a hand on my violently rising and falling chest. "I could've had a heart attack. Oh my god." I said, still catching my breath.

"But you didn't. Now, breakfast is ready. Let's all take a seat now, love. I'm starving already." Louis flashed a sarcastic smile and I rolled my eyes.

"Die." I, very softly, whispered to myself.

"Not so soon." He winked before heading inside the kitchen and grabbing something before coming out again.

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