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Please note:

I'm gonna be out for a week and the place I'm going has no wifi :(
So I won't be updating things or replying to any kind of requests at the moment. BUT....Since I'm so kind *Jk* I'm updating a few chapters before leaving so yeah. Have fun ya'll :*



Your VIBES attract your TRIBE.

M Y R A.

I woke up to the bright sunshine and the sweet sound of birds chirping. Too dramatic for my taste but guess I'll just have to deal with it whenever I'm over.

I won't lie to you but you do get that Cinderella feeling when you're here.

I felt something heavy around my waist and I nearly shrieked at the sight of it. It was a hand. I quickly spun around and saw it was Harry.

I almost forgot I was staying over here last night and I kid you not, I really did.

I decided to stay in a bit longer and admire this beautiful looking beast up close for the last time.

I completely turned around this time and lay there, facing him and see how he would sleep like a new born baby.

He looks pretty adorable while sleeping.

He looked so peaceful I could just sit here staring at him like a creep. So pure, so innocent! He doesn't deserve half the shit he gets.

I also noticed that he sleeps with this white teddy bear. I mean it still was between us and that just made me smile.

He cuddles with the teddy I gave him.

Poor teddy though, getting smashed in between us last night when Harry held me while this little guy was still in between.

I smiled to myself as I kept the teddy aside on the night stand.

I couldn't help but smile and admire at his innocent little face a little more than I already was.

Just as I was about to lift my hand and brush his hair away from his forehead he spoke up.

"You're staring." He said suddenly and I swear my heart would have just popped out my rib cage that moment.

I quickly brought my hand on my chest trying to slow down my heavily beating heart.

"The fuck, you bonnet? You scared the shit out of me!" And there I was, swearing already.

I saw him chuckle lightly.

"And just so you know, I wasn't staring, I'm gazing! You know looking at you with admiration..." I swat his left shoulder while I corrected him.

"It's creepy." He said, his eyes still closed.

"It's romantic." I said with a giggle.

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