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When you truly love someone, their happiness is all that matters to you. You sacrifice all your hearts desires just to see them happy.


One year later.

"Oh stop it!" I screamed from across the counter but Harry just laughed.

"Oh my god, Harry. For real. Stop it! You're ruining my beautiful kitchen." I yelled but he just wouldn't stop.

Instead he continued mixing the batter.

We were supposed to bake a cake a few months back, just one of the few plans we made when we were bored out of our minds!

Both, Harry and Louis have been at my place since last night saying I needed to loosen up and have some fun.

Well Louis is a prince like Harry too. I mean Harry is a royalty so but naturally his social would be of the same status as his.

He and Harry are a lot more similar than it looks.

They're both bollocks.

A moment of honesty just to be fair, I do like him. He's genuinely nice behind that bat shit crazy facade that he hides his true self behind.

Back to the topic anyway. So somehow, Harry remembered about my cake bake off challenge from a few months back. But he made some alterations to the idea, actually.

Said it's my day to relax instead, a little something from Louis and him.

They sent me to an original Thai Spa centre in the morning...

I was personally poured with a cold bucket of water, right where I was sleeping on the bed by these two dipshits.

Harassment really.

And trust me, I would've very quickly agreed to their proposal too, without the need for them to empty a bucket full of cold water right over me while I lay fast asleep on my bed in the name of my fucking birthday!

After the relaxing massages I came back home in a brilliant mood. I felt like Snow White, looking at the skies in an odd lovestruck fashion and talk to the lovely birdies I saw. Well, that was before I walked inside my kitchen and saw the mess all around.

Both, the kitchen and them looked screwed.

The kitchen more.

"Ah. A bit of a mess but don't mind us love." He said loudly. "The day is already better when the Birthday Girl stepped foot on our humble shelter." Louis said in a dramatically cheerful voice as he looked towards Harry and then back at me again. "I'm making a smoothie for you. Hold on a min. Let me just... turn this knob and let the magic happen."

"Louis no----" I said quickly but it was a little too late. The smoothie splurged out of the grinder and spilled everywhere. It was all over on Louis, Harry, some on my face and the walls!

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