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M Y R A.

After the kiss all I saw was love reflecting in those forest green eyes. It instantly melted my insides making me swoon. I swear if my inner me was an actual person then it would have slipped into a cheerleaders outfit and would have started doing belly dance.

Un-understandable and crazy right? That's exactly how my emotions are working.

"So, May I have this night with you?" Harry asked. He looked equally happy.

I nodded my head without thinking for a single moment. A big smile spreading across my face.

"Great. I'll get my attire from the car. Be right back." he winked before stepping out of the house.

He came with full on preperations? Nice.

I mentally smirked. I picked up my phone to see the time and damn. It was 7 already. The dinner's at 8. This means I gotta move my slow ass real fast now. I didn't bother for Harry to return because he knows this house inside out by now.

I quickly picked out a bling dress with a simple but smooth black black bottom attached to it. It had a slit going a little higher above my mid thigh.  I did my make up and curled my hair a bit. I checked the time and it was 7.45

This means I've got exactly 15 mins to get going. I quickly slipped into my dress and wore white heels. Mmh. I looked so good.

 I looked so good

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Perfect. I quickly decended the stairs to see Harry casually  seated down on my couch, Texting someone. He turned around to see me (Because of the noise my heels made against the wooden stairs) and let out a gasp.

"Oh my god. You look stunning." He stood up from his seat and I was blushing so hard.

"Thanks." I said shyly.

"Com'ere. Lemme take a picture of us. A 'Selfie' "

So he remembers our first date.
If you remember, On our first date when he came to pick me up, I literally forced him to take a picture with me. Yeah. Thats the main reason why he emphasized on the word 'selfie' right now.

"Yeah." I giggled.

We took a picture and Harry quickly turned to me.

"Shall we?" He offered me his arm and I gladly accepted it. I hooked my hands around his and headed towards his car. He opened the door for the passenger seat and I hopped in. He closed the door and jogged towards the driver's seat.

"All set?" He asked.

"All set." I smiled.

And he drove us to the destination.

Maybe "All Set" will be our "Always".

(Tfios moment you guys😂❤)


Dinner was just amazinggg. I had the best time of my life with the most amazing people. I literally so blessed to have them in my life❤

So the supprise Shawn wanted to give me was about his date he was gonna bring to the dinner. The date he brought to the dinner, Well...She was not just any girl but his 3 year old crush, Kelly.
I'm glad he finally mustered some courage to ask her out.

Anyways, Harry said he'd drop me to home with him and I agreed.

Harry took a left after a few minutes....

"Umm...Harry. You took the wrong turn. You're supposed to take a Right and not a left...."
I murmured.

"Well, I know where I'm going." He smirked.


"Do you not trust me?" He turned his head around to look at me for a moment before returning his gaze on the road again.

"Ye-Yes." I stuttured.

"Good then." He flashed me a smile before going silent again.

After a good 15 minutes he spoke up again.

"Myra. You shouldn't just trust anyone so easily." He gave me a nasty smirk.

"W..What?" I spoke, feeling unsure about myself.

"I said you just shouldn't trust anyone this easy."

"Harry. The fuck are you talking about? Stop the car. You're freaking me out now." I felt like I wanted to puke.

"Too late hun." he looked over at me once more before stepping on the gas pedal, Speeding the car.

My heart was beating so fast that I feared ot would just fall right out of my chest. What the fuck is wrong with him? Am I in trouble?

The fuck does he means by 'you shouldn't just trust anyone so easily'? Dude I trust you because you are supposed to be the guy I was/still am in love with!

I'm really scared now.

Whatever Harry is upto I gotta beware. I don't even know what is wrong with him. He just suddenly started acting strange.

I quickly slid my phone out of my purse and dialed Liam's number. I was about to click on his contact name when suddenly Harry spoke up again.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do that love." He gave me a glare and focused back on the road.

I didn't pay much attention to him and dialed the number anyway. This probably got him mad because the next thing I knew was that he flicked my phone from my hold and threw it in the behind.

Now I am royally scared.

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