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Life is so much better when you're smiling :D


H A R R Y.

Thanks to Liam's horrendous driving skills, we reached Myra's house approximately fifty minutes early, which even I admit was epic.

What I don't understand was, what was the rush?

No wonder Liam was a little defensive towards her before he even handed me the letter, that fuckin' boy.

Not paying mind to any of my internal confusion, I quickly climbed up her porch and rang the bell four times in a row. I don't even know why I was being so impatient like Liam but I guess, it was just his actions rubbing off on me at the moment.

What I did know was that I wanted my constantly bubbling questions to be answered straight away.

The door opened, revealing a tear-stained Miss Lorentis. Was she just crying?

"Were you just crying?" The words mindlessly left my mouth and she quickly wiped her eyes, nodded her head and flashed a quick smile.

"Don't be ridiculous." She fake laughed.

"Hey..." I said before wrapping her into a warm hug. "You know you can tell me everything right?"

At this point of time, I was just following the voices inside my head. If they said hug, I hugged and if they said a particular sentence I repeated the same...

She laughed into the hug before pulling away.

"Oh it's nothing, sweetheart." She said.

No matter what Myra did to me, I know for a fact her mother was the genuine gem here. She always treated both of us equally, like a mother would which was nice.

I had developed a really strong respect for her back in the day, which I will forever continue to have because she did treat me like family.

"Seriously, you need to start speaking up the truth, you're a terrible liar don't you know?" I laughed at my own joke to lighten up the mood while she just gave me a playful look.

"Why don't you come inside and have a cup of tea and some freshly baked biscuits. Both of you." She said and Liam just smiled with a nod before merrily walking inside.

Did he really so quickly forget what we came here for?

"Is Myra here?" I continued questioning while we were headed for the living room.

"So you boys prefer more milk or less?" She asked ignoring my question.

"More." Liam smiled like a little boy and I just shot him a look which clearly signaled a "really?"

"And you?" She asked me.

"Less, now could you please tell me—"

"Okay. How much sugar do you guys take?"

"One spoon please." Liam said, oblivious to her sudden dodging.

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