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An 'Appreciated' person will always do more than what's expected from them


H A R R Y.

"Woah. Easy there mate." Liam said plopping himself down on the corner of my bed. Lou pulled up the huge and vibrant yellow bean bag from across the room while Niall civilly just pulled up a chair and sat down on it next to me.

"I appreciate you keeping me company and coming to see me, I really do but seriously guys. Not now. Now is really not a good time to be around me." I said in a low voice. "I'll say this nicely for the last time, get the fuck out of here." I half yelled impatiently at them. "Please." I added not to sound too rude.

"Look buddy." Louis said as he smiled unbelievably. "I don't know what happened between you and her, but I'm not about to fuckin' leave you alone in your room until you bark out all the shit that went down," He spat aggressively. "Okay?" He then added with a smile.

"And definitely not until we know you've actually eaten something." Niall blurted out and all I could do was shoot him a look.

Always thinking about food, this boy.

"The faster you tell us, the quicker we fuck off, sunshine. Spill the beans already, mate." Liam said all sweetly but I know the mock that was dripping from his words.

Should I tell them everything?

Should I tell them half of it?

Or should I just lie about everything and give them another story to think about?


After about a good ten minutes of telling them what actually happened, they all seemed very surprised.

They just couldn't believe any word I said. Their eyes widened in shock after learning her intentions with me.

Yep. Supprise Supprise. People change a lot and put on just as many faces.

"Tha-That can't be. I knew her and she was nothing like that." Niall said awkwardly swinging his hand in the air in shock.

I turned my face to see Liam, who was in a major shock.

"I... I... I cannot get myself to believe that. I mean how?" Liam said, clearly trying to form sensible questions from his jumbled thoughts. "How could she be cheating on you for fifteen months? I knew her well enough to know that she wouldn't do such a thing." He said taking a deep breath.

"I guess people can be mad deceiving." I shrugged as I gave up.

"Did you ask her who she was with, then?" Liam blinked his eyes as he shot me with another one of his questions.

"Liam... No." I said awkwardly. "What the hell man?"

"At least we could have checked out the guy and see if he was worth leaving you or not." Louis said lightly.

"She wouldn't have left him if he wasn't worth less than the other guy, Louis." Niall chimed in mindlessly.

"If this is supposed to make me feel better, then I'd just like to say, IT'S DOING THE EXACT OPPOSITE." I screamed as I felt myself go a little bit insane.

"She said she only dated me for fame and money and when she was done ripping me off, she left me." I spat feeling disgusted. "So I am better than that man, obviously." I said trying to defend my man ego I admit it.

"Maybe she did speak the truth there." Niall debated. "Remember when you told us she brought herself an Audi R8 recently?" Niall pointed out.

"Nah. I'm pretty sure it wasn't because of Harry." Louis reasoned with Niall. He then turned his head in my direction and continued. "That can't be. No. I don't buy that even for a second and you know why? Because I very clearly remember you came to us with that stupid big grin on your face and told us about how she worked her ass off to purchase that car all by herself."

"I know. She told me had been working under a few famous hotels out here." I said remembering her words. "But then again, we cant be sure if this wasn't another one of her lies again."

"Well then, why would she work for a hotel when she herself told you she was only with you for your status and money?" Liam ruled out Niall's theory. "If what she said to you was true then speaking from my own experience with a lot of gold diggers, I can very easily assure you that if they really want to rip you off? They usually go for a lot lesser hard work."

This messed up with my mind even more and made me actually consider the other possibilities of what it could be.

"Why are you supporting her? She's just another one of those attention seeking bitches!" I spat out of nowhere and I could actually feel the anger taking over me again.

"Shut the hell up, Harry. I'm really trying to be logical here and figure the fuck out of what actually happened, okay?" He said in annoyance as he looked me straight in the eye. "Quit being a bitch and making it anymore difficult than it already is to figure it out." He said and I suddenly gave him a look.

"Fuck you." I said closing my eyes.

"Till then, eat this. We'll figure all this out later. You for now." Louis said softly as he patted my back and I noded.

"I... I don't know what's up with me." I said feeling even more confused with my thoughts. "I'm sorry I know I'm being a drama queen and it's hard to deal with but then I'm also glad at the same time to the three most reliable people by my side." I said as a tear rolled down my cheek.

My emotions are a fucking mess right now.

"Aww. Baby boy is crying." Louis teased and I just punched him on the arm with a small laugh.

"I guess this just calls for a group hug." Liam exclaimed happily keeping his arms wide open for all of us to join in.

"Liam, Oh god no. Anything but that." I said with a no.

"Yeah, me neither." Louis said and I saw Niall making a face in disagreement as well.

"Oh come on you guys." Liam said as he rolled his eyes and managed to pull us all into a hug anyway.

I'm not gonna lie and I know this sounds cheesy and embarrassing but it felt great.

I remember that this was our thing that we used to do back in the day when we were little kids and here we are. Ages later doing our thing again


So... Hows it going till now? Liking it? Its gonna be taking a few turns now :P

Stay tuned for more my lovelies :)

Happy reading ;)

All the love,
Meee!! :*


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