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Hello people of earth!
It's been a long time since I've updated...BUT...
I have my own excuse....

So Firstly, I scored an 82% on 100...Which is just YAAAAY

and secondly, I'm busy looking for college admissions....

So I hope you guys understand....



The smarter you get the lesser you speak.

H A R R Y.

"Oh no no no. MYRA WAKE UP!" I yelled as she lay lifeless. Her skin became pale and her body was cold. I got up and got my coat from our coat stand and put it over her.

Suddenly the door burst open and in came Liam and the paramedics. They quickly put her on a stretcher and took her into the van. I said I'd go in it with her and Louis, Liam and Shawn went in Liam's car.

"Nothing will happen to you okay. Maybe it was just nausea or something." I spoke to her not sure if she could hear me or not. I can't believe I even bothered to come here.

When we reached the hospital she was admitted in and the doctors and nurses started running in and out.

However Myra was and whatever she did to me, My mind wasn't ready to get out of here. I mean why stay here. It was food poisining maybe who knows.

"How did this happen?" Liam asked out of nowhere. We were seated on the chairs outside the room.

"I-I don't know...She just started puking and ended up fainting An-And this is how...." I said and he nodded his head.

After about four hours of rushing in and out, Dr. Lesly Hunt, The one treating Myra currently, came out and stood in front of us. We quickly got up from our seats and threw a bunddle of questions his way.

"What happened doctor?" Shawn worriedly asked.

"Eh...Well...she went cold." He said.

"What do you mean by she went cold?" Liam asked.

"You'll are her close friends right?" Dr. Hunt asked us and we all nodded in agreement but I just stood there, Like a frozen snowman.

"Didn't she tell you then?" He asked us.

"Tell us what?" Shawn asked.

"She is one of my patients. She has a medical record here. Her bone marrow has stopped producing enough blood to supply the whole body. As a result, Her feet and hands go cold faster than any other part soon leading to numbness. And if her blood count falls, Even by one percent, Consider her dead..." He explained.

"She was your patient?" Shawn asked in disbelief. "Why did she not tell us anything about this before?" He kept muttering to himself.

"How is this possible, doctor? I mean she was in a room with a damn heater on!" Liam spoke.

"I don't understand. Did you guys open the windows or something? Anything you all did that caused the temperatrue in the room to drop?"

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