B1: Chapter 2

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"Alright we have seven hours before we all need to meet back at the inn, understood?" Laxus told the team, we all nodded and left to begin exploring Crocus. Laxus argued to come with Mira and I but we convinced him to go with Gajeel, cause we are quote unquote boring girls. He reluctantly agreed going off with Gajeel.

Mira and I walked to a nearby cafe and got some bubble tea.
"So Mira have you spotted any good match ups in the guild yet?" I asked with a sparkle, she thought for a moment and came with a devious look.
"Okay we love NaLu, of course there's Gruvia. JerZa, but what about?" Mira paused for a moment
"Gajeel and Levy." She beamed, mind blown.
"Yass Mira it's beautiful, we'll call it..." I stopped to think.
"GaLe." We spoke in unison, immediately laughing after.

About and hour later Mira and I left the small cafe and walked into a market, Mira begged me to let her buy me a dress to wear even though she knows I hate them I reluctantly agreed. She grabbed me and plowed through to a lady selling dresses, and began looking through the large selection. I scanned around the market more and spotted a small jeweler stand, I'll admit I'm a sucker for earring cuffs. I looked over the wide selection I awe, I spotted this one dragon cuff that tail wrapped around your ear.
"May I see this one please?" I asked the guy behind the counter.
"Sure thing missy." He told me pulling out the silver cuff, I looked at in happiness.
"I'll take it." I told him.
"Of course a wonderful choice, that one is seven hundred jewel." I nodded handing him the money, he passed me my change and a small bag to keep it in.
"Thank you have a wonderful day miss." He said to me.
"You too." I replied walking away.
"(Y/N) you wandered off." Mira scolded me as she walked over.
"Sorry, I found a jewelry both and I couldn't resist." I told her ashamed, she chuckled as we began walking back towards the inn.
"So (Y/N) I couldn't find a dress that would be a perfect fit so I got you this." She spoke holding up a bag, I gasped.
"It's prefect thank you Mira." I cheered, she laughed as we walked back.

We sat in the inn as we waited for midnight to roll around, Laxus sat on the bed as I absent mindedly braided part of his hair. Mira was reading a book on the couch, Gajeel sat on the one of the other beds bored and Cana was sipping a glass of wine along with Juvia as we all relaxed. Out of the blue a hologram pumpkin appeared in our inn room, he explained the rules and the sky labyrinth. Before taking off we had mischievous looks, our team burst out of the inn at full force and ran to the goal. We landed there with a sigh.
"Congratulations for making second place Fairy Tail team B, kabo." The pumpkin guy told us.
"Who made first?" I asked.
"That's for you to find out tomorrow." The pumpkin stated before disappearing, I sighed as we appeared by the harbor.
"Let's head back to the inn." Mira stated.
"I'll join you in a minute." I told them, Laxus shrugged and they all walked away.

I leaned on the railing over looking the harbor, I sighed. I smell that vanilla chai again, I wonder who that is? The moonlight glistened on the clear blue water, I sighed looking down.
"You know a pretty lady like you shouldn't be out this late at night." I spun around looking at a bunch of guys, I scoffed.
"Says who?" I retorted annoyed.
"Come here little lady." A guy grabbed my arm.
"Let go jackass, Dark Mist!" I shouted as clouds of black surrounded us, I broke free and began to run but got tackled.
"We gave you a chance to come willingly." Another guy spoke as he bound my hands.
"Let me go sickass!" I shouted.
"Let the lady go." A new voice shouted, I was swept off my feet. My face broke out into a blush, I looked up at the guy now holding me. Blonde, a piercing, scar over his left eyebrow, gorgeous. Wait, what am I thinking? Get ahold of yourself (Y/N)! I pushed him and dropped to my feet.
"Thanks but I have this." I told him, he looked at me and laughed.
"Fire ball!" I yelled, a huge red flaming ball shot at the pervs blowing them away. I sighed and began walking away.
"Hey girl I didn't catch your name." I heard the guy say, I spun around facing him.
"(Y/N) and you?" I asked him.
"Sting, Sting Eucliffe." He told me with a smirk.
"Do you have a guild? We'd love to have you at Sabertooth." He flirted, ew. I moved my hair uncovering my guild mark.
"Sorry but I'm from Fairy Tail, and I'm not leaving my family for Saber Trash any time soon." I told him, he only smirked. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me uncomfortably close to him, I felt his chin on my head and I tight grip on my waist.
"Let me go." I growled trying to push away.
"Why should I?" He purred right in my ear giving me shivers, don't give in dammit!
"Laxus!" I shouted, I heard Sting gasped and the angry sound of my brother. I felt myself ripped away and on Laxus' shoulders, I looked down at Sting.
"(Y/N) you had me worried." I heard my exceed complaining.
"Sorry Jinks blame him." I told him pointing at Sting, I saw Jinks becoming angry.
"You ya you." He said pointing at Sting catching his attention.
"You break her heart, I'll cut your dick off." Jinks stated eying Sting, Laxus huffed and began walking away with me and Jinks flew behind.
"I will make you mine." I heard Sting shout.
"Like hell you will." I retorted flipping him off.

Oh boy, you two are off to a great start. Anyway now I'm going into my black retire of sleep, love you all.

~Author K.

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