B2: Chapter 2

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3rd Person

The men appeared in their base all smirking as they went separate ways, Zeref smirked as Mard Geer walked in with another who placed (Y/N) into the crystal chamber.
"Yes?" Zeref asked as he spun on his heel to face him.
"Do you think this will really work?" Mard Geer asked, Zeref chuckled as he looked back to
(Y/N)'s unconscious state.
"Of course once her memories are refreshed, she'll see everyone she's ever loved at their worst. In her eyes we will be the ones who have stood by her side, the good guys." Zeref chuckled along with Mard Geer as the crystal began flowing, and her memories changing.

Your POV

My eyes flutter open as I was only met with darkness, my old friend. I sighed and sat up, glancing around I was in an elegant room. But where exactly was I, and better yet... Who am I?

A few moments later the door opened and two men came in, both with black hair one long, one short.
"Dearest Mistress Black, how are your feeling?" The one with long hair asked, so that's my name.
"Fine, I just can't remember anything at the moment. You boys would happen to know anything about that, would you?" I asked, my voice not my own.
"Not at all, you were knocked unconscious by a team up of Fairy Tail and Sabertooth members." The one with short black hair spoke, my blood began to boil.
"Come now Zeref, Mard Geer. Be polite, she only just woke up." A female voice spoke as, a woman entered the room. She seemed around nineteen, with a kind smile.
"I'm sorry about them (Y/N), I'm Lady Grey.
(A/N: Hint hint, wink wink, nudge nudge.)
Now let's get you ready, we all need to get your memories back." She said walking over to me, I sighed and stood up. She brought me over to a closet, grabbing things she hummed a beautiful melody. 
"It's called Golden Grasslands, it's a folk piece from Fiore." Lady Grey said answering my silent question.
"Where is Fiore?" I asked, as I marveled at the garments around me.
"We are in Seyruun, a kingdom north of Fiore." She explained, I nodded.
"I'm assuming you're wondering about what Zeref and Mard Geer where telling you earlier. I'll explain, Fairy Tail and Sabertooth are in Fiore. We had a mission to stop them from coming over the border and trying to invade here in Seyruun, durning the battle you went against the Guild Master of Sabertooth Sting Eucliffe and Natsu Dragneel from Fairy Tail. They severely wounded you with poison tipped weapons from other members of the two guilds. They all teamed up and took you down, we managed to stop them thanks to you." Lady admitted, my blood boiled. But I began thinking of how to solve this pest issue,
I sighed contently as she pulled out a few pieces passing them to me as she went along. I wore a purple vest shirt, with a long draping black skirt. White pearls adorned my shirt, a black cape rested on my shoulder. I smirked in the mirror, (E/C) colored eyes shone back at me. A girl with (H/L) (H/C) looked at me with sympathy, before coming back as how I was. Long black hair, amethyst eyes and purple lips, a pale women with no remorse. This is who I am, and who I've always been. Mistress Black.

Sting's POV

It's been weeks and there's been no sign of
(Y/N) at all, Fairy Tail and Sabertooth members have been joining together trying to find any sign of her or the kidnappers. All I can do is sit here, Rogue has been put in charge of watching over me durning this time so I don't abandon the guild going after her. My sweet, beautiful (Y/N).

I stood up from my desk with Rogue's eyes following my every move, I looked out the window and watched the dark storm clouds gathering above. A small drop landed on my window sill, I sadly sighed as they rain began to crash down. I turned around and slumped down into my chair, my hands ran through my hair as I stared down at the paper.

'Local Mages have reported mysterious sightings of people in the woods, one Mage said he thought he saw the black wizard himself. Another reported seeing a mysterious girl walking late at night humming a beautiful tune, then vanishing back into the woods with the one thought to be the black wizard.'

I sighed as I crumpled up the paper in anger, I chucked the paper into the trash and walked out with Rogue on my heels.
"Sting where are you going?" Rogue asked, I pounded down the staircase.
"I'm going to find (Y/N), I can't take sitting around anymore!" I shouted, I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I looked and saw my best friend with a sympathetic look, his eyes heart broken.
"I know you can't sit any longer Sting, but we have to be patient everything will work out." Rogue assured, I growled angered.
"I'm tired of be patient, I'm going to find her and bring her home and that's the end of it!" I pulled my shoulder and rushed out the door.

It's an uphill slope, but I won't lost hope.
'Till I find my hero's welcome waiting in, your arms.

How was that for a second chapter, I'm sorry it's getting rough right now and my updates are so inconsistent. I'm so annoyed with it, things with classes and planning have been such a hassle I haven't had a lot of time. I'm working on it so soon we'll have a system of update time, so don't worry that will be fixed very soon.


~Author K.

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