B2: Chapter 18

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Your POV

I awoke with sunshine pouring through the window, I glanced around with confused thoughts and unfamiliar surroundings, but then soon I realized where I was. I was still with Sting at the Oceanside cottage, I rolled over facing the sleeping dragon slayer. My face turned red realizing what had occurred last night, remembering every moment... Every detail. My hand unconsciously moved toward my neck, I felt around and felt my mark.
My stomach growled, I sighed struggling in Sting's overly tight grip some how managed to fall off the bed out of his grip.

I walked into the kitchen, and opened the fridge and began pulling things out to cook when suddenly I was pulled off the ground
"Sting put me down." I squirmed, trying to escape the cuddle grip. Fuck.
"No." He grumbled walking back to the bedroom.
"You left me and I still wanna cuddle." He whined, waiting for me to stop squirming. I looked at him and stuck my nose in the air, there is no chance in hell I'm going to be submissive just because I'm marked.
"Well I was hungry and wanted food, so I was going to cook. Don't you want food?" I looked back him with a smirk, he sighed.
"I'm not hungry right now, but right now I want to cuddle with my mate." Sting whined acting like a small kid, I chuckled.
"Who are you and what have you done with Sting?" I joked, Sting just looked very confused. To his delight I began laughing like an idiot, soon after he joined in.

Then there was a knock at the door, I got up. Followed by Sting, you could feel his damn possessiveness radiation. I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the door, I poke his nose annoying him to smile at least.
"Guess who?" A voice sounded out from the other side.
"Katsura." I stated, Sting pulled the door open. To reveal non other than Katsura, Rogue and all the other Dragon Slayers and mates.
They all flooded in with food, I went off to the kitchen and finished making our contribution to brunch. I grabbed the tray and went into the dining room and set the platter down.
"Oh cinnamon rolls... My favorite." Katsura beamed.
"Mine too." Sting cheered, soon the friends were all dining and enjoying the day.

After breakfast we all decided to head down to the beach. The boys went ahead first, leaving us behind to change. And of course being the Fairy Tail women we are, there was a lot of gossip about the previous night occurrences.
"So Katsura, how was it with Rogue last night?" Mira inquired, glancing at Katsura smirking at black moon mark on her neck.
"N-nothing." Katsura stuttered, she pulled her hair over her mark.
"Hey what about you Mira?" Katsura regained her composer and pointed towards Mira's small blue lightning bolt symbol, Mira didn't reply and only blushed.
"My arm has a small metal band now so, yeah." Levy said with a smug look, god Gajeel is rubbing off on her.
"Hey Lu-Chan, where is your mark?" Levy inquired poking the blonde.
"Um... Well, about that." Lucy rubbed the back of her sheepishly before responding.
"That man is the most dense of them all, he didn't mark me which is odd but... I dunno something just feels off." Lucy stated sighing, the women just stared at her until Levy broke the silence.
"Maybe he... I dunno he could be possessed." I teased. Lucy's face lit in horror... I burst out laughing, she sighed.
"I don't think that it." Katsura replied patting Lucy on the shoulder.
"Maybe he's just on an off day?" Mira suggested.
"That's probably it." Erza added.
"Oh, how was your night (Y/N)?" Lucy asked smirking at me, my face went brighter than Erza's hair.
"S-s-shuddup baka." I stuttered, they all began laughing. I felt Mira combing through my hair trying to find my mark, I sighed and brushed it away.
"Come on let's head out and have fun." Erza stated.
"Yeah." The rest of the girls replied in unison.

The men already at the beach decided to have a conversation of their own.
"So how was it last night guys?" Sting asked, Laxus stiffened, Gajeel and Natsu just smirked.
"Gihi, it was great that shrimp is pretty damn amazing." Gajeel chuckled.
"I found out Mira and I share the same level of dominance." Laxus admitted, everyone laughed when the laughing had died down.
"Well (Y/N)-" Sting was immediately cut off by Laxus.
"Sting don't even start your lady is my sister, so it's really not my concern unless you hurt her in anyway." Laxus had a quick snap but even quicker relapse back.
"That goes for you as well Rogue, got us?" He spat, Sting gulped slowly nodding his head as Rogue sheepishly nodded his head as well.
"Yes sir." They whimpered.

I jumped into Sting's lap, he winced and I elbowed him in the chest.
"Why babe why?" Sting begged laying on his back.
"Cause you're my bitch." I chuckled as Sting flipped me over hovering above.
"Oh feisty today I see?" Sting asked.
"Well-" I began.
"Get a room you too." Natsu stated when Lucy playfully punched him in the chest. Sting sat back up pulling me to him, Levy sat leaning on Gajeel while Mira had Laxus' head in her lap. Mean while Natsu and Lucy were down the beach more doing god knows what.

You're all lucky to get an update today, I was very touched by the positive comments and messages I received also because Jackson the guy I was meeting asked me out again tonight. With an okay from the editors here's your chapter, it's a bloody filler. Yes I know you wanted a plot moving chapter, don't worry next chapter is.

Anyway love you all (my nice readers) and stay fantabulous.

~Author K.

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