B2: Chapter 3

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Sting's POV

It's been two weeks since I left Sabertooth to search for (Y/N), Lector and Jinks have been by my side since then. Team Fairy Tail agreed to meet at the border between Fiore and Seyruun, I sighed looking up at the night sky. A crescent moon hung in the sky, guiding the stars above. This was her favorite time of night, we would sit and star gaze. The wind whistled a silent and empty tune, as leaves crunched under my step.
"What's going on Sting?" Jinks asked worried, I quietly thought of previous threats made.
"I'm worried." I replied as the exceed nodded, he sighed.
"Goddammit!" He shouted slamming his fist to the ground, Lector gasped pulling his friend back.
"Jinks?" Lector asked concerned, Jinks let a sob escape.
"If only I had been there, I could have saved her!" He shouted, his sobs bringing his words down to whispers. "If only Katsura and Crystalina were here we could save her, but they're gone... All of them, gone, and they aren't coming back." He sprouted his wings flying up.
"Where are you going?" I asked him, he sighed.
"Dumbass, I'm flying to the border to find Fairy Tail! We will get (Y/N) back, together!" He shouted as a final tear fell, I nodded as he flew ahead.

Hours later I made it the the small town of Verona, the meet up place. A city that sat on the border, not claimed by either country. The small town was festive and always alive, I chuckled as I watched faces light up. Upon entering the cafe I heard shouting, only possibly done by the two idiots.
"Did you eat my meat ice breath!"
"Why would I do that ash head?!"
"Oh Sting's here." Lucy spoke up, I sweat dropped walking in, I saw Erza stand up and knock them together. Damn she's even worse then the cat.... Maybe.
"Ah good morning Sting." Ezra acknowledged as she sat down, I nodded as we all sat down at a table.
"Thank you all for helping me." I spoke breaking the ice, they nodded.
"No need to thanks us goldie, she's our friend too." Natsu remarked, I growled lightly in annoyance.
"Aye." Happy chimed in, Jinks snaked his way to my shoulder.
"So where do we start?" He asked, Gajeel smirked.
"Oi Levy, where do we start?" He asked the blue haired mage, she sighed pulling up a map and multiple documents.
"Okay so far here's what I got, in the lacrima news they mentioned the Black Wizard and a girl with him. As far as we know it's most likely, I mean the girl in the picture looks like her. So I figure the place is the outskirts of Xemnas, the capital city." Levy explained making most everyone feel stupid. "If we go there we will be able to at least catch a whiff, right boys?" She remarked, the bell chimed as more customers came in. A scent caught my attention, I turned around to see them, I sighed.
"You dumb empty head, you couldn't keep her safe." The white smirked, the ravenette sighed.
"Robin be nice." The black haired girl spat, trying to keep her cool.
"Okay let it out, Kikyo." Robin exclaimed, the lid popped.
"You stupid dumbass, for crying out loud! You are the stupidest person I know, and that's saying something cause I work with her." Kikyo ranted, Robin gasped.
"Hey, be nice." Robin retorted, Kikyo sighed as Sting sweat dropped.
"Ladies it's great to see you again." Sting exclaimed at his "friends".
"Sting who are they?" Lucy asked, he sighed.
"That's hard to explain."
"Durning the event of the grand magic games, (Y/N) and I had the "privilege" of visits from the Lord of Nightmares and the Keeper of Life or these women here. Robin and Kikyo." Sting explained as simply as he could, they nodded in some sort of understand.... At least I think they get it.

Your POV

I leaned on the balcony railing over looking the garden, I sighed looking up at the shimmering stars. What is so mesmerizing about the moon and stars? I sighed and walked back inside and looked in the mirror, there she stood once more as always. Before me was this girl, (h/l) (h/c) beautiful (e/c) eyes and a sad expression her eyes glassy as if tears threatened to fall.
"Who are you?" I questioned softly, I turned and looked away. Glancing back she was gone, who is that mystery girl? I sat down on my bed, a knock sounded.
"Come in." I beckoned, Lady walked in with a smirk.
"Are you coming out with us tonight?" She asked, I shrugged.
"I haven't decided yet." I admitted, she sighed.
"Okay, I'll come back before the rest of us leave and see if you want in." Lady spoke before she left the room, I nodded. I laid back and began whispering a jumble of simple words, that was from a song I heard once.

You can't give up, when you're looking for a diamond in the rough cause you never know.
When it shows up, make sure you're holding on.
Cause it could be the one, the one you're waiting on.
Cause nobody wants to be the last one there,
And everyone wants to feel like someone cares.
Someone to love with my life in their hands,
There's gotta be somebody for me.

??? POV

"It's good to see your looking well my friend." My friend spoke, I sighed at the crappy connection.
"Same with you, what's happened?" I asked, she sighed.
"A lot dearie, a lot had gone down."
"Oh dear."


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Good, anyway so sorry for my absence of writing lately. I've had terrible block, my grandpa just passed last week at it's been rough. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this update, please stick around the chapters to come are very thrilling.

Stay fantabulous, love you all.

~Author K.

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