B3: Chapter 9

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Your POV

"Okay now that, that issue has been resolved. What's the plan?" Sting asked, I looked over confused.
"What do you mean what's the plan, this was your big idea." I told him, he sighed.
"Fine, you can't complain when we get there though. Deal?" He asked, I sighed and nodded.
As we drove through the city, I watched as the people walked happily laughing, holding hands, things that just seemed normal. I subtly glanced at Sting, could we be like that again?
The car stopped, I looked up from my trade of thought and sighed.
"You promised not to complain." He cut me off, I groaned. Sting helped Paris out, her grin grew.
"It's been forever since mommy took me ice skating!" She cheered, I faked a smile as Sting grabbed my hand. He knows there's an issue, yet it still pushes it every time. I sighed as we walked in, Sting slipped his on and helped Paris lace her skates while I tied mine. Sting helped me stand and we walked out to the ice, I glided on waiting for them. Sting grabbed her hand and pulled her out, she clung to him as she laughed. I chuckled as I skated around, I built up speed and jumped a lutz with no trace of not skating in years.
"You still got it darling." Sting told me, I sighed.
"Part of me is really glad you thought of this, the other part however wants to punch you in the jaw." I admitted, he grinned pulling Paris around. I grabbed her other hand and we skated around, I haven't had fun like this in years. I looked to Sting, a smile gracing my face. I'm glad he's back, I really hope he's here to stay. I haven't had balance in my life for a long time, yet since he's been back. I've been spending the same amount of time with him, Paris and work. It used to be all work and no play, it's changed to an equal.
"Oh (Y/N), I didn't expect to see you here." A voice spoke, I turned around to see Gray and Juvia.
"Oh hey." I exclaimed, I left go of Paris' hand and skated over.
"So this is what you meant when you told me you were taking today off." Juvia smugly spoke nudging my arm, I chuckled nodding. Gray sighed giving me the look of, are you sure this is okay?
"Gray I'll be fine, I think it'll work out. If it doesn't I'll let you and the other idiots kill him, sound good?" I teased, he chuckled nodding. The two skated away, I leaned on the rails and sighed my mind drifting back the the "first time" I met Sting.

8 Years Ago: St. Petersburg, Russia.
The Grand Prix Final
(Oh I AM going there)

"Sure enough he's crushed the pre skate event as well, this marks the third consecutive Grand Prix final win for American Legend Sting Eucliffe." The announcer spoke, I watched from the sidelines. They looked like glittering gods on the ice, each telling a story. Sting's story held such sadness and longing. I cried as I had watched, my boss passed me a tissue after he finished.
"Eucliffe is now 19 years old, some speculate that he might retire this season but his masterful performance here may lay such rumors to rest." The second announcer spoke, the other nodded. I really hope he doesn't retire, I love watching him perform. He kissed his gold medal for the paparazzi, his smile wasn't real. It was a fake, for the cameras and nothing more. They skated towards us coming off the ice, my breath hitched as they walked towards us. Sting stopped before me, his fake smile became real.
"A flower for a flower, it could never hold a candle to your true beauty. It pales in comparison, see you later darling." He placed a rose in my hand squeezing it tightly before he walked away, I leaned back on the gurney.
"Oh my god (Y/N), the Sting Eucliffe just flirted with you." My friend Osana cheered, she was security here along with her soulmate Axel.
"Don't pass out now (Y/N)." He scolded, I chuckled nodding.

"(Y/N) come on, let's go get some lunch." Sting called pulling me out of my thoughts, I nodded and skated to them. He grabbed my hand kissing it softly, I chuckled.
"What's so funny?" He asked, I sighed contently.
"Do you remember your third Grand Prix final?" I asked, he thought for a moment.
"A little, I mean that was eight years ago." He told me while he slipped off his skates, I sighed as I slipped my flats on.
"Remember the medic you flirted with." I began, he looked up nodding.
"That was me you idiot, you flirty quad." I spoke with a chuckle, he gasped.
"So we didn't meet first in Paris?" He spoke confused, I sighed. He grabbed Paris hoisting her onto his hip, I held his hand as we walked out.
"Yes and no, we never really spoke until Paris. So we're sticking with Paris being our first meting." I explained, he nodded with a smile. He helped Paris in the car, I smiled as he got in. He held my hand after starting the ignition, he turned to Paris.
"Where would you like to go for lunch?" He asked, she thought for a moment.
"Rainforest Cafe?" She spoke more as a question, I nodded.
"Sounds great, mommy give me directs I've got no clue where to go." He spoke to me, I chuckled at the name and nodded. This'll be a fun lunch.

*Time Skip brought to you by Yuri and Victor Nikiforov*

"And the prince awoke the sleeping princess and they lived happily ever after, the end." I spoke after finishing Paris' bed time sorry. She soon began nodding off, I quietly left shutting the door behind me. I slipped into my room to see Sting waiting, I sighed as we hugged.
"Look (Y/N), this is probably the worst time to do this but..."

"Would you marry me?"

Got love cliffhangers, right? Hehe don't kill me. *Dodges throw swords*
I've really got no note or update today so, I'll see ya around.

Love my royals, stay fantabulous.

~Author K.

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