B1: Chapter 22

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Your POV

It was around midnight, I couldn't sleep.... Well, more like I'm afraid to. I kept staring out the window, captivated by the sea.
"What's on your mind?" A voice called out, I looked up only to see Sting. He sat down beside me a held my hand, I leaned into his shoulder and sighed.
"I don't know, I'm just confused about something and it's been bugging me since the beginning."
"Okay, go on." He pushed.
"You're engaged to Lady and all." I paused.
"Okay." He got a bit more anxious, after chocking.
"What about our engagement?" I finally said it, it was out there. Oh god what is he going to say, a long pause drifted.
"Forget it, it was stupid." I stated, shoving passed him I ran out the front door and bolted out into the pouring storm.
"(Y/N), come back!" I heard him calling, but I don't care. I want to die, but I can't at least maybe I can try again.

§Trigger Warning§

I ran to the cliffside where I had passed, and stood there at the edge as the rain poured down and the waves crashed against the cliffside. Tears slid down covered by the rain, I looked over once. I heard Sting and others running towards me, their cries all blurred in my head. I looked back and smiled, and went foreword.

Falling, it was all I felt. My body sunk into the waves, and all I could do was smile. Why do I try? When I can't deal with life, I slip away with the sea and hope to never come back. But I always do, and always will. I could hear them cry out my name as I fell into this state of bliss, but I feel peace and that's all I want. I just want to end, and that's what I feel now.  

Sting's POV: Right When You asked the question.

"What about our engagement?" I was stunned, I had never thought about it before. I had forgotten we had been engaged before Lady and I were, I pondered in my thoughts.
"Forget it, it was stupid." She stated, shoving passed me and ran out the front door.
"(Y/N), come back!" I shouted chasing after her, I saw the front door wide open and the rain and thunder just poured down.
"Rogue, Katsura hurry and follow me!" I shouted, they both appeared and we began running outside into the storm.

We approached the cliffside and there she was, my sweet and delicate (Y/N). She looked back to us, then smiled. But she was gone in a flashing strike.
"(Y/N)!" I shouted running toward the end.
"No Sting." Rogue quickly grabbed me not letting me go.
"Move it Cheney!" Katsura shouted jumping over us, she front flipped into the stormy waters below.

We sat there in silence as the rain poured down.
"Rogue!" I heard Katsune call.
"Come help me you *beep*, this is your best friends fault!" Katsura shouted enraged, Rogue stood there for a minuet stunned.
"Just go!" I nearly shouted, Rogue quickly nodded and disappeared over the cliff edge.

After hours of searching they hadn't found her yet, my sweet, sweet little (Y/N)... Why didn't I tell you sooner? What really happened. I walked along the beach shore, Katsura had been taken in by Rogue. She wouldn't stop crying, I don't think she could've even if she wanted to. Rogue wouldn't even look up, his head was hung low and he just looked depressed. I looked up, the stars gleamed and glistened.
"Why did you do it (Y/N)?" I muttered, I shook my head slightly. As I kept walking I saw a log on the beach sand, soon it wasn't a log but a person. I ran as fast as I could, it was a girl as far as I could tell.
Her (H/L) (H/C) shimmered from water, it was my (Y/N)! Quickly I pulled her up into my arms and began running to the guild, please be okay.

"Katsura, Rogue come quickly I found (Y/N)!" Both appeared in the front hall, (Y/N) was quickly pulled away from me and swept away by her siblings. Rogue brought me into the guild hall where I sat anxiously, Mira brought me a beer. But I didn't drink it, I couldn't. Eventually I drifted asleep, but that didn't last long. I felt myself being shaken awake, I sag up and rubbed my eyes.
"She sent me to get you." Makarov appeared before me.
"She's awake?" I questioned.
"Yes, and she's asking for you." He sighed, walking out.
"Thank you Makarov." I said walking past him.
"Of course, whatever makes my granddaughter happy." Makarov smirked, disappearing. I rushed to her room and saw her staring out at the water from her bedside window.

Your POV****

I awoke in my room, I sighed. They must of found me while I was unconscious, I tried getting up but I couldn't. I struggled like a turtle and finally made my way to the window, the sea glistened under the moon light.
"(Y/N)." I looked back and saw Sting, he looked almost sad.
'Is he sad I didn't die?' My thoughts cried out, I quickly shook that off and looked back out over the glistening ocean.
"(Y/N), look at me." He stated with force in his voice, timidly I turned my head. He was now behind, immediately he pulled me close and into a hug.
"Never do that to me, ever again." He stated with emphasis on the word ever, I only nodded. Tears slightly brimmed my eyes, Sting took notice and looked down.
"(Y/N), what ever is the matter?" He looked concerned.
"Nothing." I claimed.
"Nothing, nothing tra la la?" He chuckled.

(A/N: XD learn this reference! *Hint: David Bowie)

I glanced up at him, honestly he looked good for 19.
"(Y/N) please tell me what's wrong." He sounded worried.
"I told you Sting, I'm fine." I stated and tried pulling away, be he held his grip firm.
"Let me go." I quietly pleaded.
"I'm not letting go (Y/N), not ever. Fate brought us together again, yet you drive fate away... You drive me away... (Y/N)." I looked at him shocked, what shocked me even more is he was crying. Sting pulled me close, my head rested on his chest as I felt him cry. He never cried before, at least not around me.
"Please promise me, (Y/N). I can't bear the thought of losing you." Sting pleaded, gripping me tightly. I looked up at him as he gazed down.
"I promise." I smiled, then I quickly realized something. Our faces were getting closer and closer, lips inches apart. We both leaned in for a kiss and then...

*Loud explosion rings throughout the City*

"Dammit, I was so close." Sting muttered letting me go, I gave him an inquisitive look and shook off his words. I jumped off the balcony and into the town square where all the commotion was, I looked to the center to see Katsura holding off a brunette.
"Ah so you're Makarov's youngest granddaughter." He stated jumping over Katsura.
"(Y/N)!" Katsura shouted warning me of the girls hidden advancing.
"I'm Tony Akashi," The brunette claimed coming even closer to me.
"And I'm here to get ... Makarov And kill his grandchildren." He manically laughed charging, all too quickly. I was frozen to the floor paralyzed with fear, I felt my self being moved as my fear took ahold and left me in the dark.

Reader-Chan, can't you stay out of trouble for five minuets..... No, you can't.

Anyway so I'm going off the grid until August 20th, I'm so so so so so sorry. But I have to, military camp calls.

I'm posting this a two more chapters today and that's what you get for the next to months, please don't forget about my book. We like the lot's of reads we've been getting, if your thinking why the co-writers aren't going to continue updates. They're coming with me, military camp is co-writer thing. Love you guys so much!

~Author K.

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