B3: Chapter 2

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Your POV

"Think of it this way, at least you don't have to go to the suitor party." Erza said as she ate a bit of cake, I sighed.
"That's true, but I don't want to tell my dad. I will be murdered, slaughtered." I exasperated, the front door opened.
"You won't be murdered or slaughtered my dear sister, not by dad. Now tell me who this lucky guy is, when can I meet him?" Katsura asked as she walked in, I sighed as she plopped down on one of the other couches. I felt a tear fall again as I lowered my head, the girls switched spots with Katsura who sat down and pulled me into a hug.
"Can I call mom? She won't be a terrorizing monster like dad'll be." Katsura asked, I nodded she pulled out her phone and put it on speaker.
"Hey mommy, can you come over to (Y/N)'s? There's been an issue." Katsura spoke.
"Sure thing sweetie, is food needed?" She asked, we all nodded.
"Definitely, everyone's here." Katsura replied.
"Okay I'll be there in ten." Mom said before the line dropped, Katsura set her phone down and fully hugged me. After ten minuets my mom came in struggling to carry everything, but being the bear she is she wouldn't let us help her. She set down a ton of junk food on the table, my mom moved and sat on my left. Paris jumped on my lap, she smiled trying to make me feel better. My mom pulled me into a hug no questions, just tears.
After a while I finally got enough courage, I sighed.
"Mom remember when I dated Sting years ago?" I began, she nodded.
"I didn't tell you the full story."


When I was 17 I began dating Sting Eucliffe he was only three years older then me but that didn't matter, I was hopelessly in love with him. I was so excited for his upcoming birthday, he was finally going to be 21. On that day I was told the last thing I'd ever thought he'd say.
"We're done (Y/N)." He told me, I looked at him like he was stupid.
"What are you talking about?" I asked, my hands lightly began shaking.
"I can't be with you anymore..... You aren't her and you'll never be..." He spoke, his tone uncertain.
"Sting, don't do this." I whispered.
"I can't be with someone like you... I don't love you..." He spoke, I felt tears fall.
"Please don't do this." I spoke softly, he scoffed.
"Get out, I'm breaking up with you." He spat venom lacing his harsh words, I dropped the gift I had and ran out.

*Back to Angry Momma Bear*

"That was the last time I saw him, six years later he comes raging into my office and...." I trailed off, my mom sighed looking as if she was about the kill something.
"And let me guess, you're soulmates." She finished, I nodded.
"The one thing that I don't get, is why didn't they click when Sting turned 21?" Katsura asked, my mom looked up to her.
"Both soulmates have to be over 21 when they meet, otherwise it doesn't work. So since your sister was almost 18 and he was 21, it didn't work." My mom explained, I sat up and dried my tears. I grabbed a slice of pizza and scarfed it down, I leaned back and sighed.
"What do I do?" I asked, no one said anything.
"Anybody gotta suggestion?" I questioned, I heard a hum.
"Go to the CEO gathering with a hot date!" Lucy exclaimed, I looked at her dumbfounded.
"Oh come on (Y/N) wouldn't you like to make him know what he's missing out on?" She added, I thought about it. Mom smirked and picked up Paris, I sighed.
"What about a super sexy get up?" Erza suggested, I nodded my head.
"Let's do this." I spoke.

Hours later the girls finally let me look in the mirror, I swear I looked like Jessica Rabbit. (Minus the orange hair and green eyes of course, unless that's your look.)

"Okay, who watched Who framed Roger Rabbit?" I asked, Erza and Lucy both raised their hands

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"Okay, who watched Who framed Roger Rabbit?" I asked, Erza and Lucy both raised their hands. I sighed, I gazed in the mirror and smirked.
"We're missing something, but what is it?" Lucy questioned.
"A kind of pale jewel." Erza suggested, she pulled a champagne diamond necklace out.
"Perfect." Lucy replied, she turned to me and clasped it around my neck.
"He's gonna eat those words." I grinned, they all cheered.

As we pulled up there was paparazzi everywhere, the limo stopped and the driver got out. Lucy and Erza got out followed by Levy and Juvia, finally I came out. That's when the cameras really started, cat calls erupted around.
"Is that Ms. Valentino?"
"Ms. Valentino why the get up?"
"Who's the lucky man?"

"Damn those paparazzi are vultures." I muttered when we made it inside.
"Ah Ms. Valentino, here's your tag and your guests tags." The receptionist spoke, I thanked her and grabbed the tags handing them to the girls.
"(Y/N), girls!" My sister in-law Mira exclaimed rushing over with our friend Cana.
"How have you been?" Cana asked, I sighed and pointed at my eye. She gasped in excitement, Lucy filled her in quickly as I adjusted my tag.
"Oh sweet sweet revenge." Mira whispered, Cana chuckled.
"Let's head in but remember the way we did in high school, the "formation?" let's do that. More dramatic flare." I spoke, they all nodded. The guards pushed the doors open, I led the girls in. The music stopped and everyone went quite, the girls chuckled.
"Did everyone see that? Because I will not be doing that again." I spoke, the girls began laughing.
"Now, where are the drinks?" I questioned, the girls and I walked farther in. The room began filling up with chatter, suddenly Lucy fell into me.
"Are you okay?" I asked, she opened her eyes.
"Oh my god Lucy, your onyx eye is gone. Where is he?" I asked as she looked at me shocked, I heard yelling.
"Natsu your brown eye is gone!" A man across the room shouted, I gasped excitedly.
"Lucy he's a great guy, one of my allies in the business. Oi Natsu!" I shouted, he walked over. He looked at Lucy with a soft smile, he kissed her hand.
"Why hello my lady." He spoke, I turned away.
"Well I'll leave you to it." I spoke, I caught up with Gray, a good friend of mine and another business associate.

Oh ho ho. It's a meeting of love, yay.... To bad Sting was a dick, anyway hope ya enjoyed the chapter.

Love you my Royals, stay fantabulous.

~Author K.

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