B2: Chapter 1

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Your POV

"Walk faster you glow stick!" I shouted at my slow blonde boyfriend, he chuckled and picked up his pace.
"(Y/N), where are we going?" Sting asked as I slowed down, I giggled and spun looking back to him.
"Now that is a secret." I said holding a finger to my lips, he smirked and charged at me. I rolled my eyes and began levitating, he pouted.
"That's not fair, you're totally cheating." He exclaimed from below, I grinned.
"Well follow me and you'll find out my plans, night light." I teased, his face twisted to rage.
"Your gonna regret that princess." He stated, I chuckled and landed. I quickly took off and ran like a maniac towards the end of the trail, he began running behind as quickly as he could trying to keep up with my speed.

As the spot came into view I felt the ground come out from underneath me, I looked up playfully glaring at his victorious smirk.
"Oh stop smiling, you haven't won anything." I exclaimed with a light chuckle, he looked around the scenery.
"On the contrary I have won something, the greatest prize of all in fact." He cheered, I rolled my eyes.
"And what might this great prize be?" I asked, he let me stand and looked me in the eye.
"The chance to be with you, all the Kings riches combined couldn't compare to having you by my side." He explained, my face broke out in a blush.
"Who taught you that one?" I questioned, he sweatdropped.
"No one, all me." He grinned, I pat his shoulder.
"Well good job." I told him, giving him a peck on the cheek.
"Hey look at that, it's just up a head." I told him, I grabbed Sting's hand and pulled him along. I gasped as the sight came in my line of vision, the sight that made the hike all the more worth it.

"How did you find this place?" Sting asked as I placed the bag down, I chuckled.
"Laxus and I were looking for flowers to place at Katsura's and Crystalina's graves, we took a wrong turn and ended up here." I explained.
"Wait what happened to Crystalina?" He ask confused, I sighed sadly.
"She went out looking for my sister after the battle, she never came back. That was over two years ago, most of the guild has given up hope of them returning." I sighed, regaining my smile. I slipped to the ground and grabbed Sting's hand, I began pulling him along he smiled as we kept walking.

I set the blanket down as we sat over looking the lake, the water glistened under the suns touch. A crackle of thunder rippled against the peaceful silence, the rain began pouring as Sting and I began running looking for a place to stay dry.
"Come on this way." He ushered, we ran along until we found a small cave.

"Let's go in." I stated as a flame engulfed my palm, we cautiously walked in. The father we got, strangely, the more it smelt.
"Gah what is the awful smell?"Sting questioned, I shrugged. I scream left my mouth, before us was a blood bath. Countless bodies each stabbed unrecognizable, Sting pulled me close covering my eyes.
"Ah I see we have guests." A voice called out, the man appeared before the bodies.

Sting's POV

"Mard Geer." I growled, I felt (Y/N) trembling in my embrace.
"What have you done?" (Y/N) whispered, he chuckled.
"Oh, just some disposing of useless rats." He grimaced, I felt disgusted. Suddenly lights began flashing all around us, (Y/N) was ripped from my grasp.
"Sting!" She cried, I tried reaching her but my eyes were still blinded. As my vision came into focus she freed herself from their grasp, but she was surrounded.
"Help us, someone please!" (Y/N) screamed as they came closer, she tried using her magic but it was canceled out by the bands they slapped on her wrists. I struggled against the holds of the men keeping me back, a hand gripped my chin forcefully.
"Now now Sting, why would you want this girl over darling Lady?" Mard Geer asked, I glared at him. His chuckle only grew darker, he looked up to his men and nodded. (Y/N)'s cries grew louder, ringing in my ears.
"Stop hurting her!" I shouted, I could feel my eyes shifting colors.
"Yes Sting, bring out your inner demons. Show (Y/N) who you really are, a monster."
"No Sting, don't do it!" (Y/N) cried, I looked up to her.
"I don't care what happens to me, just don't give them what they want." She pleaded with me, he grinned and nodded.
"I'll tell you what Sting, you're in luck. Little (Y/N) here just saved your skin, enjoy that." He smirked and grabbed her chin, his eyes left mine.
"Let's go men." He ordered, I was thrown to the ground.
"(Y/N), no!" I shouted as they disappeared, the rain crashed pouring down as the skies wept for us.

And a thousand years, would be worth the wait.
It might take a lifetime, but somehow I'll see it through.

This is the real 2nd Book, eh. You likey more? I thought you guys would approve, anyways my mom who's a fellow writer said she wanted me to stab someone for her so now there's just that pile. Ha ha, that other Sting x Reader I'll figure out something to do with it later. I hope you guys like this more, it's better than my original idea. I'll try my hardest to keep updates consistent, so don't worry to much about that. So continue on, I'll see you next chapter.


~Author K.

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