B2: Chapter 15

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*For the music I was going to use the normal version of this song, but the bloody company copy righted everything with the song*

Your POV

The morning light shone into the dark rooms of the palace, in each room you would find a dragon slayer with their mate.

I awoke with a small smile spreading on my face, I sighed and went to get up. I noticed Sting's arms wrapped around my waist, I sighed.
"I give up." I muttered, I relaxed into his sleeping grip. After ten minutes or so I got bored and pulled out a book I had placed on the night stand, reaching over I noticed the white box Gem had given me was gone. But since Sting was okay I really couldn't care, I grabbed the book and began reading.
As I got further into the book I felt a pair of eyes, specifically Sting was staring at me.
"Why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer." I stated turning the page on my book, he chuckled.
"Oh hahaha, very funny (Y/N)." He retorted cuddling closer.
"Oh and good morning love." He spoke pulling me in for a kiss, after breaking apart Sting peered into my eyes almost like he was examining my soul, that was until we heard an extremely loud bang.

The once closed door to us burst open with an appearing Katsura in full battle armor, Mira, Levy, Lucy and Romeo.
"(Y/N) get away from Sting quickly!" Katsura shouted.
"Why?" I questioned.
"It's Dragon Mating season, and Sting is going to go insane like the rest of them in a few." Levy quickly responded, I jumped away in panic and without haste we rushed through the Manor.
"(Y/N) wait!" Ignoring Sting, I kept running with the rest.
"Katsura why aren't you and (Y/N) affected?" Lucy asked running beside us.
"Because when we were little Raphael made us immune so we don't get affected, oh but the men sure do and Wendy will be affected." Katsura stated while still running.
"But Wendy is so young." Lucy questioned.
"Not anymore, now that she hit mating Season she'll age to 18 and so will Romeo. That's about all I know about that subject, so move it!" She barked, quickly moving I opened a portal back to Fairy Tail.
"Come on, hustle now! We don't have time!" I hollered ushering the others through, Lucy stopped next to Katsura and spotted all the Dragon Slayers rushing towards us each bearing a red glow in their eyes.
"Help!" I ripped my gaze off the portal and spotted Levy being carried off by Gajeel, Lucy almost took off after Levy but Katsura threw her into the portal, before I shut it I shouted.
"I'll get Levy, just get everyone hidden well. Mask their scents, and vanish, quickly now."

*****With You & Trouble*****

"Oi metalhead get your ass back here with Levy!" I hollered while chasing Gajeel through the palace hall.
"Fuck, he's quicker than I thought." I quietly muttered.

"Oh lovey that's hurtful, your thinking of another man other than me."
"Oh shit, I didn't think you'd be close enough to hear me."
"Glance back love."

Over the telepathy I kept attempting to shut it off as I continued chasing Gajeel, trying to catching up as quickly as I could. I could feel Sting chasing after me, behind him was Natsu, Rogue, Wendy and of course being the idiots they all are minus Laxus and Wendy of course. They tackled me, tumbling down to the hard ground. I braced for impact but instead of landing on marble I landed on abs, Sting's abs to be precise, immediately Sting pulled me to my feet and held me in an armlock.
"Oh shit!"
"Mind your language love." Sting intercepted my trade of thought.
"Right now fuck off Sting!" I retorted over telepathy, I could just feel his face drop but his intentions stiffen.
(A/N: Hehehe, hint. I'm a terrible person...)

"(Y/N) open the portal or else." Laxus growled.
"Or else what Laxus?" I teased my brother.
"Or else this." Natsu raised his fist almost punching me but his fist was caught by Sting's.
"Don't touch my lady." Sting's growl was extremely low and sexy.
"Fine, if I must." I sighed opening a portal on the wall behind them, I watched as Wendy and the boys without thinking jumped through.
After the portal closed I burst out laughing, with Sting clutching me tightly. I heard Levy's sobs down the hall, I kicked Sting hard in the groin. He quickly collapsed and I bolted after Levy's scent, after running through the halls I found where she was. Levy looked up at me terrified and tear stricken, I grabbed her hand and threw Gajeel through a portal to where the other dragon slayers were sent, I opened another gateway and we ran into Fairy Tail.

Everyone gasped, I was covered in bruises and Levy looked terrified still.
"Where's Lucy, Mira, Romeo and my sister?"
"Hidden." Gramps replied.
"Good, gramps can you take us to them we must be hidden as well." I gestured to me and the small petrified Levy. Gramps simply nodded, Levy and I followed him down what seemed to be a labyrinth until we hit a small room. When we entered a worried Lucy and Mira brightened up along with Romeo.
"Levy, (Y/N) you're both okay!" Lucy exclaimed rushing over to hug us along with Mira.
"You'll all be safe here, don't worry the guild will protect you." Gramps said walking out and the wall closed up, sealing the six of us from the outside.
"I hope so." Mira muttered.
"Me too." Romeo added.
"Let's hope this doesn't last long." Lucy sighed
"Agreed." I replied.
"Same." Was the only thing Levy could get out.

3rd Person

"I should never have trusted that sister of mine." Laxus slammed his fist into the mountain side.
"Don't worry I can sense (Y/N)." Sting replied.
"I can tell Lucy is close." Natsu added.
"Levy is near by." Gajeel sighed.
"So is Katsura." Rogue chimed in.
"And Romeo too, so let's say that they are all together." Wendy finished.
"Yeah, now let's get our mates... Shall we?" Sting spoke, and they all ran down the Fiore mountain side rushing towards Fairy Tail... Changing as they went...

Ohhhhhhh it's mating time. Hehehehe, hope you all enjoyed this chapter and will for the rest to come. Big plans coming for you all next Friday!
*Terrible Wink Face*

One of you private messaged me and asked about that guy I mentioned staring at me in class.... It's so weird, so yesterday I was running late and forgot my wallet. I found that out when I went to get coffee, I went to grab my wallet and realized I had forgotten. I was about to tell the barista I didn't have any cash, when that guy who was staring at me in class paid for my drink. I told him I'd pay him back, but he just asked for my number. Suspiciously I did, now I've been talking to Jackson quite a bit and were even going out tomorrow.

Have a good weekend!
Anyways Love you all, stay Fantabulous!

~Author K.

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