B2: Chapter 14

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Your POV

Hours later we sat around the cave worrying about what was happening with the Dragon Slayers, back in the home other things were occurring.
"Gem, why don't you and Eliza ever come to the guild? And Jellal, come back and admit you like Erza. It's killing us that you haven't yet." Katsura complained, I chuckled.
"Well you two should come visit more often." Gem replied.
"Well I'm too nervous Katsura, Erza's kind of a scary lady." Jellal confessed, I chuckled.
"True, but you both still should consider. I'm going to drag you all down the mountainside if you don't at least say you will." I teased, Gem sighed and agreed.
"Let's consider, eh Eliza." Gem chided.
"Sure Gem." Eliza rolled her eyes at her older brother.
"Yay!" I cheered, they all chuckled.

A while later I left Gem's and began walking  down the cave trail pure in thought, until something caught my eye. A small half Opal rock lied untouched, thinking back I did want to get Sting a gift. But he couldn't find the gift, so the idea hit him. I grabbed the stone, I decided on making him an earring. As I held the stone in my grasp the shine caught my eye, and my thoughts ran back to the dance at the party. Sting purposed to me, thanks so much Lady. Note the sarcasm, I never got to give him my answer... But what even is my answer, in a way I kind of thank her. I don't know if I'm ready to settle down and get married, like Katsura or Crystalina. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted, as I heard a commotion.
"Eureka!" I heard Eliza shout, rushing back I saw Gem and Eliza walking out with six small boxes, one white, salmon, blue, gold, grey, and black. Each box was passed to a certain person.
"These boxes are magic proof and only in the presence of the poisoned Dragon Slayer will they open, inside they contain the cure vial." Gem warned.
"Thank you." We replied in unison.
"It's no problem, we are always willing to help out fellow dragon slayers." Eliza smiled.
"Also this one will be traveling back to his guild along with you guys. Consider taking him back your payment to us." Gem slyly spoke, as Jellal joined us.
"That's fine, well let's be off." I beamed, we all began running off.
"Bye Gem, Eliza!" Levy shouted back.
"Be safe guys!" Eliza hollered back waving with Gem.

Farther up the cave at the snow draped entrance we all stopped and went right just like the shop guy said, there was a trail that went straight down towards the bottom. We pulled the sleds out and placed them down, aimed towards the slope.
"Don't forget, about half way down there is a cannon gap. Remember the shop owner said don't panic and relax because the sleds will do the rest." I reminded everyone.
"I don't think I can have that much trust in a sled." Lucy sighed, Erza turned to her with an angry look and immediately Lucy shut up.
"Well I'll be the first down." I spoke up, Erza nodded in agreement and I strapped myself down to the sled and pulled off. Soon after Erza, then Gray followed by Levy, Lucy and Jellal. I could see the large canon we had been warned about up ahead, without fear my sled took off and hit the other side and kept going down, I heard the cheers of safety as everyone hit the other side and made their way down. When I saw bottom Mira waving to us, next to her was the shop guy and the magic mobile. I slid and hit a cushioned wall, quickly getting out and moving my sled Erza hit without an issue. Once everyone was down we returned the gear we had borrowed and thanked the shopkeeper once again for his generosity, we returned the magic mobile and got train tickets. Mira was too exhausted and so was everyone else to drive, so once on the train we fell asleep without issue.

Hours later we arrived back in Magnolia, quickly we made our way to Fairy Tail. There a portal was opened and out came Master.
"(Y/N) quickly now." Gramps shouted.
"What's going on?" I nervously inquired.
"We found out Sting had a higher dose than the rest and he has thirty minutes left." Gramps heaved out of breath, I quickly bolted into the portal with him and Jinks who was waiting.

When we reached the other side of the portal, I bolted to where our room was with less than ten minutes to spare. Once I got there he pulled out the small white box, sitting next to Sting I opened it with no issues. An aroma of Cinnamon and vanilla erupted into the dark and dreary room as I pulled out the vial, the room was cast into a light blue glow cast from the vial in my hand.
"Sting please open you mouth, you need to drink this." I pleaded, and by some miracle he heard me. I pulled the cork off and tipped it, spilling the contents down his throat. A magic circle appeared around Sting, and a white glow cast. When the light dimmed and the magic circle vanished, Stings Fever broke and he looked up at me smiling.
"You did it." He whispered.
"I know I did, now aren't I fabulous." I replied.
"Shuddup." Sting rolled over as I lied down, and chuckling he cuddled up to me falling asleep.

I felt like it was time to give you guys a little loving, but a little hint to you all.

Nah, I'm kidding. So take a gander at what I'm planning, in the comments. 😉

See ya Friday!

Anyway Love ya all, stay fantablous.

~Author K.

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