B2: Chapter 9

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Sting's POV

"Why do I cry for you?" She asked me, I lifted my hand and wiped the blood off my face.
"Why?" She cried stumbling back, I stood up attempting to approach her. She moved back farther, her hands covering her beautiful face. I kept walking, as she trembled.
"Stay back!" She shouted, as she realized I was on the move.
"Be careful Sting." Erza spoke before she passed out, Ignoring her warning I continued moving towards (Y/N), she didn't notice me at first this time.
"(Y/N), let me help you." I practically begged, she looked at me her face tear stricken. The rain began falling around us, as if the skies began weeping a second time at a sad love story.

Your POV

"(Y/N), let me help you." He pleaded, I scoffed but I don't think he heard. A heard a crackle of thunder above, here comes the rain again. Falling on my head like a memory, falling on my head like a new emotion, I want to see the open wind and find the truth. There's this nagging feeling inside me every time I've seen this man, I want to be with him and it makes no sense.
"What is so special about you?" I asked Sting, he looked at me confused.
"Why does my heart race? Why can't I accept the fact I'm supposed to kill you? I just can't stand the thought of doing so, why is that?" I questioned, he looked at me a smiled. I think my heart just skipped a beat, ew.
"Because you fell in love with me three years ago, you may have been changed but your heart can say what your mind can't." He spoke, I felt shocked by his words. They weren't true, were they?
"He lies Mistress Black, don't listen to him." Lady spat as she struggled to get up.
"No way bitch," A blonde girl snapped grabbing Lady by her pink hair, and pulled her back. "Stop copying my boyfriends style too!" She  shouted as an orange haired man threw Lady into a wall before disappearing and the blonde collapsed. I winced slightly, my gaze went back to Sting. I felt more people approaching, I sighed.

Rogue's POV *Earlier Before Battle Began*

After I had hung up with Sting last night my thoughts raced, that wasn't (Y/N) and we damn well know it.
"Rogue I have to see her." Katsura pleaded, I sighed as she grabbed my hand.
"Fine, but we go together." I stated, kissing the back of her hand. She grimaced and began yawning, the contagious thing caught me too.
"Let's head to bed, its late. We'll start out first thing in the morning." I told her, she nodded as we left the office heading out to our house.

The morning sun shone, a knock sounded on the door. I looked up at Katsura who put down her spatula and began walking to the door, I walked to her side.
"Honey the apron." I spoke, she gasped and took it off a blush hitting her face. I mean normally it's okay to open the door with an apron on, but when it says 'Kiss the Sexy Mamacita' I really don't think it's the greatest idea. I opened the door, no one was there. Katsura looked down and picked up a box, she passed it to me.
"Why do I have to open it?" I asked her, she sighed.
"If it's a portal I'm not coming to get you." She spoke putting her apron on, I gasped.
"How many times have I saved you?" I questioned, she chuckled.
"Twice, and I saved you three." She retorted, I sighed and grabbed a knife. Opening the box I cringed in worry, inside lied a mirror and note.

Rogue and Katsura,

I know you are going to help Sting and the others get (Y/N) back, this is the mirror of Lost Souls. When the entity that's consumed (Y/N) looks inside, she'll be sucked in and (Y/N)'S soul will go back to her own body.

Be careful, Love Makarov.

Katsura set our plates down, she took a seat and began reading over the note. She sighed and set it down over the mirror, and began eating.
"Let's get moving after breakfast." I spoke, she sighed.
"After the dishes Rogue, I was gone two months and the house was trashed. Dishes first, travel second."

Your POV

"Looks like the cavalry has arrived." I spoke as two figures ran into the arena, a black head and white. The white haired girl gasped, she grabbed something out of a bag and tossed it to Sting.
"Mistress Black don't look!" Zeref shouted before he was slammed into the dirt by a pinkette, he passed out as the pinkette collapsed to the ground.
"What?" I mumbled, I glanced up and saw a mirror. The (h/c) haired girl faced me once more, her hands reached out and grabbed mine pulling me inside.

Stings POV

(Y/N)'S features began returning, she suddenly collapsed I dove catching her before she hit the ground.
"What the hell just happened?" I asked looking at her and back to the mirror, Katsura came and took the mirror.
"The mirror worked, when Mistress Black looked in the mirror (Y/N)'a soul flew back into her body spitting Mistress Black into the mirror." She explained.
"So she's (Y/N)?" I questioned, Katsura nodded. She walked over to Kikyo who lied passed out, she kicked her side gently. Kikyo looked up and sighed, relaxing.
"Mercy said boo." Katsura told her, Kikyo's eyes shot open as she jumped to her feet. Katsura's hands began glowing black, a portal appeared. Kikyo began levitating everyone, Rogue went through the portal. The Fairy Tale infirmary was on the other side, you could see Wendy and Crystalina. Kikyo began moving everyone into the portal, until it was just Katsura, (Y/N) and me.
"Come on Sting, let's get her home."

Heyyyyyyy here's an update, I'm home and stuck taking online class until my mono is gone. Hope you guys enjoyed this update, happy to say I'm working on the next.

Stay Fantabulous, love you all!

~Author K.

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