B3: Chapter 7

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Your POV

I basically used to live in my office before Paris was born, I set down a new contract and picked up her photo on my desk. It was just after she was born, a little smile was on my face as we both cried. She looked just like him, blonde hair one blue eye and one green. I sighed and placed the picture down, I leaned back in my chair and looked out the window. The city lights glowed, the bridge lit up and reflected on the water. I spun around as I head a knock on my office door, I began grabbing for papers.
"Come in." I called while signing some work, the door opened and shut.
"I want to take you out." Sting said while grabbing the papers from my hands.
"No." I spoke grabbing the papers back, he sighed.
"Why not, you never let me take you out?" He pouted, I stood up and filed the paperwork. Sting grabbed my hand, I glared at him irritated.
"Oh come on (Y/N), please come out. Just one date?" He pleaded, I sighed and looked at Paris' picture.
"Mommy? Why don't I have a daddy?"
Paris' words rang in my head, here he was right in front of me. Yet I was rejecting him, I didn't want to take another heart beating.
"Please." He spoke softly, I thought about it.
"Okay." I spoke, he looked at me excited. I was pulled into a hug, I was startled as he embraced me.
"Oops, sorry. Personal space." He muttered, I chuckled as he let go.
"Let's go, shall we my lady?" Sting spoke hold his out to me, I nodded and grabbed his hand.

"Let's walk, the restaurant isn't far." Sting told me as we stepped out of the elevator, I nodded. We walked through the lobby and left the building, the city street was quiet. Even though it's a big city, Chicago had some quiet sides. We walked into Lincoln Park, the stores still open as the summer breeze blew off the lake. Sting lead me down the road towards Geja's Cafe. I've seen it so many times but never went, Sting pulled open the door and lead me inside. The hostess came and led us to a booth in a quieter area.
"We'll have the international, the connoisseur, and Chateau De La Tour, Clos-Vougeot, Burgundy, France." He told our waiter who came around, I gasped as he left.
"Are you crazy, that's a five-hundred dollar wine." I whispered, he chuckled.
"My lady we have the money, I still forget you used to be a medic." He chuckled as he held my hand, I sighed.
"What are we?" He asked after our dishes were served, I sat back placing my fork down.
"Please (Y/N), I want to be something to you. I mean I am but I want you to be with me every moment of everyday, I wake up everyday hating myself for hurting you." He spoke his eyes glossed over, he sighed. I felt my heart beatin' so fast, in search of new dreams.
"I don't know, I just can't let my heart get kicked around again." I whispered, he looked up at me his eyes tear filled.
"I don't know what else I can do to prove that I love you, or that was a stupid mistake." He spoke softly, I sighed.
"I'll think about it, part of me wants to give you a chance. The other part is screaming at me not to, I just don't know which to listen to." I told him, he had a hope in his eyes and I was glad.

After dinner Sting walked me back to my office, as we got to the door I sighed. Rule number four, gotta be pure. Kiss him goodbye at the door, leaving him wanting more.
"Are you sure I can't drive you home? I've got a bad feeling-" He spoke, I nodded.
"I'll be fine, trust me." I kissed his cheek and walked away. I subtly glanced back, his face was full flustered. I got in the elevator, as the door shut I began laughing.

Hours of work later I left the office, a car was driving next to me real slow. I felt my pulse in my ears, I was anxious and extremely nervous.
"Let me take you for a joyride, I've got some candy for you inside." The driver spoke, he stopped and got out. I began running through the parking lot, he chased me and he wouldn't stop. He grabbed my hand, pushed me down. Took the words right out of my mouth, he covered it with a cloth. I struggled against his grip, there is absolutely no way I'm going down without a fight. I stamped my heel onto his foot, he flinched and I escaped his grasp. Once more I was running through the parking lot scared out of my fucking mind, this time it was two men. Fuck, I hate this! I groaned as I ran and pulled out my phone, I didn't know who else to call.
"Hey (Y/N) what's up?" He asked.
"Sting I'm being chased down a fucking alleyway right now, not the best question to ask." I spat.
"Where are you?" He asked, I glanced around for a street sign.
"I'm currently running through Lincoln park, please hurry." I spoke concerned, mainly because I was in heels and exhausted. The overhead lights illuminated my path as I ran, by the foot steps they were still chasing me. I collided with what felt like bricks, I looked up and it was Sting.
"Great timing." I said completely out of breath, to be honest I ran probably two miles. He pulled me into an embrace, I don't know why but he was wearing a trench coat and thank god to because I was freezing.
"Why aren't we running?" I spoke, he looked to me and grinned.
"Don't worry about it, just stay by my side." He replied, his gaze turned cold as he looked up. The men stopped in their tracks, immediately I noticed a gun in Sting's hand. Why the hell does he have one? Those are illegal in the city, I sighed this man will get me killed.
"May I ask why you gentlemen were chasing my wife down in the middle of the night?" Sting spoke, his voice was cold with nothing but hatred within. The one grinned, he lowered his pistol.
"Just following orders Blondie." He spat, the other grabbed his shoulder. He whispered something that made the snarky ones face drop, he sighed.
"Good riddance, your lucky he was here girly." The other spat as they retreated into the shadows, I sighed as Sting pulled me into a full hug. I lightly pushed away, he sighed as he placed his pistol into its holster.
"Who were they? Why the hell do you have a gun-" I questioned before he place a finger on my lips, he leaned in his forehead on mine.
"Please don't ask I don't want to tell you, just yet." He whispered, I nodded.
"Do you want to stay with me tonight?" He asked, I shook my head.
"Paris you idiot, I can't leave a six year old home." I told him, he sighed.
"Well should I stay with you?" He questioned, I began thinking. "Why don't I have a daddy?"
"Yes, but Sting?"
"Do you want to prove yourself to me?" I asked, he turned to me and nodded.
"Then we have some gossips to shut down tomorrow!"

I had probably the best day ever, I never talked about his but that Valentine's Day shit that happened wasn't from a guy I'll explain in the event recall. See here's the thing, I've been bi since I was a teenager. Finally coming to terms with it I realized I won't be swing the other way anymore, proud to be a Lesbian. If you need someone to talk to I'm here 24/7, anyway I've got a fun story with this so I'll tell it.

So I was wearing my roommates proud to be gay shirt, he doesn't care one bit so I'm just thinking cool I like the shirt. Anyway I was on the subway and this little old lady gets on and sits across from me, I had headphones in and I wasn't paying attention until she smacked me in the leg with her cane thing.
"You should be disgusted." She told me, I was super confused at this point.
"Why should I now?" I asked, she sneered at me.
"Supporting gays, you'll burn in hell with the rest." At this point she was getting on my nerves, I sighed.
"Cool, thanks for the advise." I responded not looking up from my phone, this girl I've had my eye on for almost a month now walks over. First of all I didn't know she was riding, second I was NOT prepared for what happened. So I guess you can call her my crush but anyway she walks over here, she sits next to me and swings her arm around my shoulder and whispered at me to play along.
"Thanks for keeping my girlfriend company grandma, I really appreciate it." She spoke kissing my cheek, cliche right? I think I died and went to gay heaven, this shit doesn't happen normally! Anyway finishing this boring ass story, rude lady got off at the next stop thank god. For the rest of the ride my crush and I talked about meeting up for dinner, I didn't tell a soul about the Valentine's Day thing that happened but you guys and my roommates who didn't tell a soul.
"Did you like the Valentine's Day gift?" She asked, I sat there not unknowing what to say.
"What?" I asked stupidly, she chuckled.
"I left you bunch of stuff on Valentine's Day, I was hoping to ask you out but I got nervous and ran." She admitted, here's me thinking basically what the fuck is going on? Now I've got date tonight, all I can say is wow. If you're wonder about Jackson, it didn't work out. I was out of his league, and as I mentioned before I am lesbian so no thanks. Maybe the fan fiction writing gods sent me a gift, who knows. Sorry if I bored you with my stupid story, continue on with your day or night!

Love my Royals, stay fantabulous.

~Author K.

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