B1: Chapter 8

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Katsura, Laxus and I began walking to the hotel after the end of the second day. And by walking I mean Laxus walking and him not putting Katsura or me down, I suddenly noticed a light pinch in my head.
"Sup." I heard a voice say.
"Did you guys here that?" I asked my siblings, they both looked at me like I was crazy.
"I'm in your head Sherlock, you're new conscious to be precise."
"I'm gonna go get some food." Laxus stated, I looked up and realized we were back at the hotel.
"I've gotta meet with Crystalina and get the motorcycle repaired, you'll be fine on your own right (Y/N)?" Katsura asked me.
"I'll be fine, I'm not a baby anymore Katsura." I chuckled, she rubbed my head.
"You forget you were seven when I left, you were still little to me. Alright I'm going." Katsura said walking away.
"Do you need anything?" Laxus questioned.
"Nope I'll be good, thanks." I told him.
"Bye." He told me.
"Bye glow stick." I called as I entered the lobby, I stepped in the elevator and felt my motion sickness arise.

I stepped in the room, and shut the door behind me.
"Okay talk." I demanded.
"Hi." The voice piped up.
"Can you explain what you mean by new conscious?" I asked feeling stupid.
"Sure, well you're old conscious didn't really do his job so I'm here." She said.
"Okay then." I stated as I flicked on the light, I gasped as I looked at my bed. A giant pile of roses sat there with a heart box of chocolate, and a small little card sat amongst the arrangement. I picked up the card off the bed and torn open the envelope, pulling out the small message.

In the blink of an eye, just a whisper of smoke. You could lose everything, the truth is you never know. So I'll kiss you longer baby, any chance that I get. I'll make the most of the minuets, and love with no regrets. Let's take our time, say what we want. Use what we've got before its all gone, cause we aren't promised tomorrow. So I'm gonna love you, like I'm gonna lose you.

Love Your Secret Admirer.

"Oh shit." The voice said.
"Oh shit indeed, by the way what's your name?" I asked, I heard her sigh.
"You ask that now when we are having a moment of panic, good job (Y/N) good job. Robin, the names Robin." Robin claimed with sarcasm.
Oh goodie, got me a great conscious.
"I heard that."

With Sting, in his POV:

We came out in last place, such a great day. Rogue and I have been avoiding going back the the guild, only in fear of Jimmena. I swear this guy is death its self, I flinched as I felt a knock on my head.
"Ohoyo!" I heard a feminine voice say, I looked around confused.
"Rogue?" I questioned.
"Yes?" He asked looking at flowers, I glanced at him confusedly.
"Did you here a girl talking?" I asked, Rogue looked at me oddly.
"No I didn't, are you feeling okay?" He inquired as he picked up a bouquet.
"I'm fine, okay who's the flowers for?" I eyed him suspiciously, he sweat dropped.
"I'm going now bye!" Rogue called running away, I chuckled and walked back to the inn.

I stepped inside the room and clicked the light on, the chandelier illuminated.
"Just who's voice was that earlier?" I asked no one in particular.
"Hi!" The voice spoke again, I looked around.
"Who is that?" I questioned.
"Me, I'm your in the head new conscious." A bored voice claimed.
"Okay then." I sighed.
"Okay then? Okay then?! Listen up here little boy, the only reason I'm here is to help you win your soul mate's heart. So listen up, or else I'm gonna punch you in the brain since I can legally do that."  She proclaimed.
"Alright can I at least know your name?" I asked, I heard her sigh.
"Kikyo, call me Kikyo. Now let's get started tonight!" She yelled.
"Now?" I questioned.
"Yes now, let's do this!" She cheered, I chuckled and turned the light off and made my way down stairs.

"Okay what are we doing here?" I asked her, she sighed.
"Getting (Y/N) roses, I already ordered them since your kinda stupid. Tell the guy pick up for Kikyo S, and then we've got my stuff to do. Chop chop!" She scolded, I feel really stupid. I walked into the shop as a burst of flowers emerged from the back, I jumped back as rose petals fell at my feet.
"So sorry about that." A man came out of the back room covered in flowers, I walked up to the front counter.
"So how may I help you?" He asked.
"I'm picking up for Kikyo S." I told him, he nodded.
"Give me just a second." He said walking into the back room, a minute later he came out with a massive bouquet of roses.
"Okay here are these." He walked away again and put a box down next to the roses, he ducked under the counter and popped back up with a neat card and put that along with everything else.
"Wow." I stated shocked.
"My boy, I'm always over the top." I heard Kikyo say.
"Thank you sir." I told the man as I picked up everything.
"Of course, good luck." He called as I left, I sighed.
"Now where Kikyo?" I asked her.
"The inn where Fairy Tail is staying of course." She told me as if it was obvious, I quickly began walking that way.

As we approached the building I noticed no light coming from their room, good.
"Alright now what?"
"Get in there, arrange the stuff on her bed and get out. It's as simple as that Sting, it's not so hard." She retorted annoyed.
"I'm not a romantic." I told her as I swiftly landed on the balcony, the door gently opened.
"I know your not, that's why I'm here." She acknowledged, I gently placed the stuff down on her bed. I carefully arranged it than fled, and in the nick of time too. There they were, at the front. I jumped up to the roof and watched as (Y/N) walked on to the balcony holding a rose, and the card.
"Just who are you my secret admirer?"

Sorry sorry sorry! My laptop accidentally published this chapter early when it wasn't done, so sorry if you had read it and got confused! Gah I feel mortified, gihihi. Anyways love you all!

~Author K.

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