B2: Chapter 5

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Your POV

After Lady came in I began thinking about it, I decided to go out with everyone.
"Third times the charm, right?" I asked myself, chuckling I walked to the mirror. As usual there she stood, the girl (h/l) (h/c). She sadly looked at me, blank eyes unwavering.
"Who are you, what do you want with me?" I asked, her head lowered as she vanished. I stared at the mirror, my reflection looked sad. "But why? I'm home with my family and friends, I don't understand-" I whispered, a ripple went through my reflection.
"This is your past." A voice spoke, I watched opening my eyes and looking around, I was in a woods.

The rain was crashing down, a blonde haired woman was running with a small basket cradled in her arms. I peered closer and that face looked so familiar to me, the woman stopped in front of an old oak tree. She gently placed the basket down and opened the lid, the lady placed an umbrella above the basket. A realized there was a baby, I looked over the woman's shoulder. Crocheted on the blanket surround the baby was a name, (Y/N). This was her mother, and she was a spitting image of this (Y/N). I rubbed my eyes when I realized something, her mother was covered in bruises. She had a black eye and a large cut on her arm, (Y/N)'s little baby fingers held onto her's so tightly.
"I love you so much (Y/N), I can't bare to leave you like this. But if I hadn't run with you, he would have killed you-" Her mother told (Y/N), I felt a tear run down my cheek as she began sobbing.
"Listen my love I'm going back for your brother, you may never see me again but remember I love you so much." Her mother gently pulled away and kissed (Y/N)'s small forehead, I wiped a tear away. She stood up and began running away, (Y/N) realized she left and began wailing. A heard a big gust of wind and spun around, a large dragon appeared before the basket.
"Hush little one you're alright." A calming voice spoke, another tear fell down my cheek. The baby me hiccuped, a loud growling rang out. The dragon chuckled, he examined the name on her blanket.
"You must be hungry little (Y/N), let's get you something to eat." He said as he grabbed the basket containing me, as they flew off I couldn't help but cry in confusion.
"This is your adopted father, Raphael the Castor Dragon." The voice whispered.
"This isn't right, I was raised by Tartaros." I hiccuped looking around the scenery once more.
"Are you sure of that Mistress Black, or should I say (Y/N) Dreyer?" The voice spat, I gasped and ran out of my room that had come back.

I rushed down the hall, moving past members as I went.
"Mistress Black what happened?" Silver spoke stopping me, he released my arm.
"Nothing," I spoke hoping my voice wouldn't crack. "Just a nightmare." I said spinning on my heel I walked out of the guild hall. I was greeted by Zeref and Mard Geer, Lady joined as we all left heading towards Xemnas.

Sting's POV

As we all sat at the table eating dinner, I could feel something was not right. Then it hit me, the others could smell it. Burning, smoke, terror and (Y/N).
"Natsu what's wrong?" Lucy asked, he grinned as he signaled for the bill.
"She's out and about." He replied handing the waitress the jewels for our meal.
"Ah and causing chaos as usual." Gajeel spoke grinning, Levy sighed.
"That's not (Y/N) that's all you dumbasses." Levy stated, the boys sweat dropped.
"Guys, you might want to see this." Robin spoke, we all followed her outside.
"Ah fuck!" Kikyo shouted gliding out of the way of an arrow, it skimmed her shoulder as she kneeled to the ground with a tch.
"Son of a bitch, I should have known he was involved." Robin spat, she she handed Kikyo a wrap.
"Who else is involved?" Erza asked, Robin sighed.
"It's about time we explained why we really came back." Robin spoke, we all nodded.
"But not here." Kikyo added, they lead as we walked to a nearby cafe.

"Start talking." Gajeel exasperated as we all sat down, the girls sighed.
"Look, we're going after Dark Star he's gotten involved again. This isn't just about him though, he's brought his servant along." Robin explained.
"And who is his servant?" Lucy asked concerned.
"Her name is Lady Grey, Sting's ex-fiancé and the reason (Y/N) almost died when she was shoved off the cliff." Kikyo spoke, everyone gasped. (A/N: Oh my TRIGGERED.)
"She didn't jump?" Gray asked, the Lords shook their heads.
"No when (Y/N) was in a coma, the guides of past, present and future appeared and showed her things. Some should have remained buried but Lady wanted (Y/N) gone. So she was revealed things, for example the previous arranged marriage between Sting and Lady." Robin added, everyone sat in thought.
"And there's something you should all know before we go into battle." I spoke up.
"Lady was only my betrothal because I'm half demon-"
"Wait are you fucking serious?!" Gajeel shouted shielding Levy, Natsu pulled Lucy close as Gray backed away protecting Juvia.
"Calm your kitties." Robin spoke ushering everyone to sit back down, they grumbled and complied.
"Look, that side of me was contained by Weisslogia part of his soul is keeping it contained. Only an act of pure and undying love can destroy it, so in order to keep everyone safe I haven't fallen in love until (Y/N) she's the only way I can break free of my demon." I explained, they all nodded.
"Is there anyway to fix you, if your demon side takes over?" Juvia asked.
"Either kill me or (Y/N)." I responded calmly, Natsu sighed.
"Well shit buddy, you're screwed." He grinned, everyone facpalmed.
"Thanks Natsu." I responded annoyed.

Oh hello everyone, your lazy author here. Just casually sitting on the couch enjoying winter break listening to a ton of K-Pop and J-Pop, then it hit me. I need to fucking update, haha no schedule here. Alright I'll let you guys go, have a wonderful morning/evening whenever the fuck it is.

Stay fucking fantabulous, love you all!

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Stay fucking fantabulous, love you all!

~Author K.

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