B3: Chapter 11

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Your POV

I plopped down on the coach and groaned, the others did the same. The shopping bags everywhere around us, Katsura came in with margaritas.
"Okay (Y/N) show off the dress." She spoke excitedly, the guys had just came in a few minuets prior minus Sting of course. All the people I considered family were here, my actual relatives were here as well.
"Fine." I groaned as I got up, everyone laughed as I grabbed the bag and went up stairs. I sat down holding the gown in my hands, I sighed laying it on the box. I looked up as a knock sounded, my mom stood there.
"What's up mom?" I spoke, she sighed.
"Still no reply from Sting's parents?" She asked, I nodded.
"I feel like they hate me, or don't even want to get to know us. Hell, they don't even know they've got a grand daughter." I rambled, she rubbed my shoulder.
"I don't know honey, they could be just bitter people. Have you asked Sting about it?" She asked as we sat down, I sighed.
"Yes I've tried, he hasn't got a clue either." I explained, she nodded.
"You realize your dad still doesn't know about you getting married, right?" She chuckled.
"Oh my god you didn't tell him?" I asked.
"No, I'm dragging him out to the wedding tomorrow. Honey he would be a sour puss if he found out before, he'll be much happier if he finds out when it's happening." She explained, I groaned agreeing.

The night flew by, drinks went around and we all just talked. Not your typical bachelorette party, the guys left to join Sting leaving the women. No strippers, no loud music, just relaxing. We watched movies, sang and danced. It just seemed like a typical Friday evening, obviously it's not. The girls pulled out sleeping bags and we crashed in my room, a dreamless sleep soon followed.

I woke up with extreme pressure on top of me, I opened my eyes and my friends laid on top crushing me.
"ITS YOUR WEDDING DAY!" Levy shouted excitedly, I chuckled shoving them off. Five, four, three, two, one.... Oh... My.... GOD, IM GETTING MARRIED TODAY.
"I'm getting married." I muttered as shock set in, they all laughed.
"Get up lazy, we have to get you ready." Erza spoke pulling me out of bed, they dragged me to the bathroom.
"Snap out of it (Y/N), you look like a ghost." Lucy added, I shook my head as we prepared.

The morning rushed by, my hair, makeup, everything was done. I pulled out a dress and sighed, now to tell Dad. Great, I heard the car horn and sighed. Time for brunch with my parents, I grabbed my phone and bolted to the car. The drive was awkward for my mother and I as my dad was still oblivious, I can't believe he hadn't figured it out yet. As we walked inside the restaurant my nerves kicked in, being the youngest has never been the easiest.
"So what's up my daring?" My Dad asked after we ordered, I glanced at my mom who nodded.
"Well... I'm met him." I spoke, my dad grinned.
"Ah honey that's amazing-"
"And we're getting married today." I added swiftly cutting him off, his face dropped.
"Really, that's wonderful." He replied, I gasped.
"You're not freaking out?" I asked.
"Honey I'm a mess inside, we're in public so it's best to keep the image clean." He curtly added, my mom burst out laughing.
"Oh daring you haven't even heard the best part." She spoke, he sighed.
"And that is?" He asked sounding defeated.
"You already know him." She replied.
"I'm going to ask the impossible, is it Sting?" He spoke teasingly, I left out a bit of nervous laughter.
"Ha ha, yeah." I muttered, he dropped his fork.
"Anything else I need to know before I pass out?" He questioned, I grinned.
"There's a good chance I might be pregnant again." I told him, my mom looked up. Tears falling from her eyes, my dad was crying.
"Really?" She asked, I nodded pulling the positive stick out of my bag. She was filling crying at this point, so was my dad.
"This is our third grand baby." She muttered excitedly at my dad, he grinned as he cried.
"So we have Paris, Blake and?" He spoke.
"I've been think about Peter, since I first "met" Sting at the Grand Prix in St. Petersburg." I explained, my mom nodded.
"I love it, now your siblings need to kick it in high gear. I want more grandkids, especially from Mira and Laxus." My Dad teased as he cut a piece of sausage, I laughed in agreement. This went a lot better than I thought it would, now the list is almost complete.

Start a family. [✔️]
Have a good job. [✔️]
Get Married. [ ]

Okay guys, please read this whole note. So this is probably gonna sound bad but I'm stuck, stuck in a writing rut. This story just doesn't have anywhere to go right now, I'm pushing for the wedding next chapter and done. You'll get an epilogue as well, maybe in the future I'll come back and add more to the story but for now. Wedding, Epilogue, Happy Ending. Cause I can clearly write a happy ending... 😅

I had a lot more planned and partially written out but I just can't do it for some odd reason, don't panic because nothing is getting deleted or taken down. I might come back later but the end is nearing, marking us at 13 Chapters for book three. I wish I could do more, I'll say it a million times over. But I can't force myself to write more because it'll sound bad and die out, I'm sorry to those who don't agree with me but hey. What can ya do?

I love all of you my fantastic readers, I hope you've enjoyed this book

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I love all of you my fantastic readers, I hope you've enjoyed this book. Stay fantabulous darlings~!

~Author K.

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