B1: Chapter 4

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"Welcome to the first day of the Grand Magic Games!" The announcer cheered, I looked up as Laxus and I walked from the concession stand.
"Come on we've gotta hurry." I told him as we walked faster, we slipped into the Fairy Tail balcony. I passed Natsu his munchies and listened to the announcer.
"For the first event of x791's Grand Magic Games we will be starting with Hidden, In this game, the participants are sent to different locations in a town magically created, which is filled with clones of the competitors. Mages win 1 point when they attack another competitor. Mages lose 1 point if they are attacked by another competitor or if they attack a clone. 10 seconds after being attacked, the Mage will respawn in a different area of the city. Restarts can happen as many times as necessary until the time limit is reached. The winner is the Mage that has the most points after 30 minutes. Now teams please choose your participating members!"
"I'm going." I heard Gray say from behind me standing up, then Juvia popped up next to him.
"If my darling Gray is going then so am I." Juvia cheered.
"That's creepy." Gray stated as they disappeared into the magic town, I glanced over and saw the Sabertooth members disappear. My eyes locked  on Sting's as his on mine, he carefully gestured for me to leave to stadium. I rolled my eyes, he just glared. I shrugged and began walking out of the balcony, suddenly my arm got tugged on.
"(Y/N) where are you going?" I saw Jinks asking me.
"Just the bathroom buddy, I'm not leaving you." I told him putting my hand on his fox like ears, he smiled and left to go sit by his buddies.

I chuckled as I walked into the outer hall, I carefully looked down the hall. I spotting Sting looking down as he leaned on the wall, patiently waiting.
Tick, tick, tick.
The tension in the air spanned making this feel really uncomfortable, then he noticed me. Walking over with that goddamn smirk that drives me batshit, he was now in front of me. I swear to god it's taking every ounce of my magic not to punch him in the face, he stood acting like he was superior to me.
"Care to explain why you wanted me out here?" I asked him, he sighed running a hand through his hair.
"I wanted to make a bet with you ." I stated, I felt a nerve nearly pop.
"What kind of bet?" I questioned.
"Let's make it a date, if we win the first day of the GMG's you stay with me one night." He claimed as if it were obvious, I looked at him with clear annoyance.
"Okay if my team wins the first day of the GMG's you have to admit to the whole arena on the mic, Sabertooth sucks and Fairy Tail is better." I told him with a grin.
"Fine." He stated.
"Deal." I told him shaking hands.
"I won't lose." He taunted.

"Neither will I

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"Neither will I." I retorted, I was pulled into a waist grip. He bent down to my ear, I couldn't break free.
"Make sure you dress sexy love." He purred, that does it!
'Darkness beyond twilight,
Crimson beyond blood that flows.
Buried in the stream of time is where you power grows,
I pledge myself to concur,
All the foes who stand.
Before this gift bestowed in my unworthy hands,
Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed by the power you and I possess.
Dragon Slave!' I mentally spoke as a ball of fire gathered in my hands, I held it out as I saw Sting running.

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I waved my hand as the smoke cleared, I saw him coughing rubbing his head.
"Why me?" He whined.
"See you later night light." I said walking away. Before he could say anything else I stuck my ear buds in as I walked down the halls, I turned the volume up as I made my way through the halls.
"They say no way, oh, I say I'll rule the world I say I rule the world." I hummed along, I spotted the balcony.

I stepped back into the guild balcony unnoticed, or so I thought.
"What took you so long?" Jinks asked as I sat next to Laxus.
"Girl things, I had to fix my makeup." I told him, I watched the screen as they revealed the winners of day one. We came in

Found me delusion, found it in a simple fact. I ain't coming back.

"Shit!" I nearly shouted falling off the bench, I felt his eyes on me. I didn't dare turn to face him, Laxus looked at me worried.
"What's wrong (Y/N)?" He asked concerned.
"Cocky cheeky bastard made a bet with me and I lost." I groaned, Laxus raised an eyebrow at me.
"What was the bet?" He asked, his eye brows raised. I sighed and face palmed, looking down.
"He wanted to take me on a date." I paused.
"And?" Erza bud in.
"I have to spend the night with him." I sighed, Erza gasped and I felt the tension and aura around our guild balcony go dark. Oh boy, everyone heard... Natsu I swear looked like a demon, Gray and Erza looked super pissed. Lucy had summoned Loke and they too looked super super pissed. Gramps and Mavis were fuming, and don't even get me started on Mira's anger. I swear dropped as they all stood up, I saw Sting leaving his balcony. I was about to do the same when I felt myself off the ground, I noticed it was Gajeel. Levy stood next to him, with anger spread on her face.
"Guys?" I asked nervously, nobody looked at me.
"Hey (Y/N) let's go." Sting spoke from the doorway, I smirked.
"Gajeel, Levy let's go. You guys have fun,bye." I exclaimed as Gajeel and Levy jumped off the balcony, we booked it across the field and out of the stadium.

I've got another week of exams!!!!!!! Ugh, I want to pull my hair out! I've been studying like a manic and my updates have been so inconsistent, and that makes me feel guilty about making you guys wait. Anyways love you all!

~Author K.

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