B2: Chapter 27

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I highly advise playing the music, it really is beautiful.

Your POV

The trumpets sounded out announcing the appearance of the guests of honor, Natsu, Lucy and everyone else looked up at the balcony to us. I stood there feeling a bit awkward with all eyes in the room on us, I sighed as Sting just grinned like a moron. But it made my smile grow, as did his. Katsura looked back with Rogue and they just lightly laughed at the both of us, which as they say laughter is contagious. Adela and Drew appeared on the balcony before the four of us, they turned back to us and grinned then they both faced the crowd once more.
"Let the ball, begin!" They shouted, as in cue the orchestra began and they vanished. 

"May I have this dance M'lady?" Sting asked as we stepped down the final stair, I only chuckled, then a smile slid onto my face.
"Yes you may kind sir." I half curtsied as Sting formally bowed, we both began laughing at the formalities and together made our way to the dance floor. Sting pulled me close and guided us along, I blushed a light shade of pink as Sting just grinned enjoying himself. He spun as the others joined in with us, Sting leaned us down into a dip and rose once more.

Robin and Kikyo stood on the balcony watching over, with smiles.
"They've come together so well."
"I agree I'm glad we interfered, if we had he'd still probably be watching her from afar." Robin spoke with a light chuckle. A chime rang out that only they could hear, both gasped with expressions grim.
"But we weren't fast enough." Kikyo sighed.

"Did you say something?" I asked looking up to Sting.
"Nothing." Sting brushed it off, I looked down then up once more.
"What's wrong Sting?" I questioned, he looked away avoiding my gaze.
"Nothing, everything is perfect. Just perfect." He quickly responded, I looked at him in suspicion.
"Sting please tell me if something's bothering you, I can feel it." I pleaded, he sighed.
"You never gave me an answer." Sting spoke.
"Sting, I-" Before I could finish, a piercing scream rang out.

"MIRA!" I heard Laxus shout, I rushed through the crowd and to her side. Mira's face was pale and cold, I grabbed her wrist and felt no pulse.
"Mira?" Katsura pleaded as she pat her cheek, I silent prayed in my head. Tears began rolling down my face, I pulled Laxus into a hug with Katsura as he began pouring his eyes out. I looked closer through the tears and saw something shiny, I peered closer and realized it was a dagger. I snapped my eyes shut and looked away, I jumped as the doors burst open.

A strong gust flowed in and the candle light went out, the windows above us flew open as more summer breeze rushed in. My attention went to the doorway as a silhouette appeared, the silhouette's hands shot out and the light came back.
"Who are you?" Sting asked, well more like demanded.
"You'll never see the end of me, but I get to see the end of you." A feminine voice spoke, she stepped into the light.
"Yukino, why are you doing this?" Sting questioned, protectiveness radiating off his figure.
"I'm not Yukino anymore." The white haired woman teased.
"Lady." I growled, she chuckled.
"Besides, I lost you to her of all people. And if I can't have you, no one can!" She shouted, throwing a crystal ball onto the marble floor smashing it into pieces. The ground began shaking and the clear star lit sky trembled, everything began collapsing and the world was destroying itself.
"Kikyo, Robin help us!" I shouted, I looked to the balcony. They were crying as they disappeared, but clearly not of their own will.

The walls crumbled, each of us dropped down to the ground pain flowing through as we began disappearing.
"(Y/N), I'm scared." Wendy said, her voice weak. Her body continued to disappear, along with everyone else's.
"It's okay." I whispered, looking down at my own fading body to Sting's and then back to Wendy's stare.
"I'm here," I looked to everyone who met my gaze with a smile, smirk, any form of acknowledgement.
"We're all here." I finished, I glanced around all my friends and family were fading before my eyes.
"Would you look at that?" Makarov chuckled, everyone nodded.
"It's all fading to white." I remarked, a bit of laughter came out.
"So, what's your answer (Y/N)?" Natsu asked as a distraction from the pain to all, I grinned. I reached out for Sting.
"Yes." I spoke, his smile was genuine with tears rolling down his face.
"No matter what," Sting began.
"I will search the world, I will face its harms. 'Till I find my hero's welcome waiting in your arms." He finished, our hands interlaced as all life diminished.

You know, as we come to the end of this phase of our life, we find ourselves trying to remember the good times and trying to forget the bad times, and we find ourselves thinking about the future. We start to worry , thinking, "What am I gonna do? Where am I gonna be in ten years?" But I say to you, "Hey, look at me!" Please, don't worry so much. Because in the end, none of us have very long on this Earth. Life is fleeting. And if you're ever distressed, cast your eyes to the summer sky when the stars are strung across the velvety night. And when a shooting star streaks through the blackness, turning night into day... make a wish and think of me. Make your life spectacular. I know I did...

No I'm not crying......
Final chapter tomorrow you guys, holy shit time flies.

Love you my Royals, stay fantabulous.

~Author K.

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