B3: Chapter 10

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Your POV

"You're right about one thing." I spoke after the shock, he chuckled.
"And what's that?" He asked, I sighed.
"You do have to the worst timing, but I'll answer with a yes." I replied, he jumped up and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. I gasped as he lifted me into the air spinning around, we collapsed on the bed laughing.
"I can't believe I'm engaged." I muttered as he slipped the ring on my hand, he laughed.
"Well believe it my darling, cause you're now stuck with me for life!" He cheered quietly, I curled up to him. Big spoon and little spoon, dad and mom, soon to be husband and wife. I began falling asleep, listening to his heart beat gently like a lullaby.

The sounds of birds chirping woke me up, the sun gently pouring inside. I sat up and stretched my muscles and heard a knock on the door, I sighed getting up. I grabbed my robe from the door and walked down stairs, I pried open the door already irritated. There stood Katsura with a grin, she walked passed me with no words.
"Yes?" I asked turning to her, she chuckled.
"Can I take Paris for the weekend?" She asked, I eyed her suspiciously.
"Why? What are you planning?" I questioned, she sighed.
"I want to spend time with her, I'm lonely." She stated, I nodded.
"How is he?" I asked, she sighed plopping down on the couch.
"When I adopted him six years ago I didn't think he'd push away like he's been." Katsura sighed, I rubbed her shoulder.
"Should I call Blake and see what's up?" I questioned concerned, she shook her head.
"He's eighteen now (Y/N), today's his birthday and he wouldn't even look at me." She cried, I grabbed my cell and sighed. I dialed his number, I heard a groan on his end.
"Hey auntie, what's up?" He asked.
"What's up is your mother just came here crying over you." I bluntly told him, he sighed.
"Jesus I screwed up, didn't I?" He asked, I hummed in response.
"Can I come over?"
"Sure honey, your mom will be waiting." I told him, he hung up.
"He's coming for breakfast Katsura, go sit at the bar. I've got to wake the knight and the princess." I spoke before walking away, she chuckled.

I walked into Paris' room first gently nudging her shoulder, she sat up and groaned.
"I don't want to get up mommy." She complained, I laughed.
"Go wake up daddy and I'll make chocolate chip pancakes." I told her, she jumped up grinning. She left the room with a smile on her face, I followed behind laughing. She opened the door and ran for the bed, jumping on top. He groaned and rolled over, he chuckled sitting up.
"Good morning darling." Sting spoke helping her to the floor, she grinned walking over to me.
"Now you owe me pancakes woman." She teased, I burst out laughing. I rubbed her hair and sighed, she giggled.
"Alright, Auntie Katsura is down stairs." I told her, more for Sting to hear so he'd put some actual clothes on. He nodded before we left the room, when I got down stairs Paris was already playing with my sister.
"Oh (Y/N), we're dragging you out today." Katsura spoke as I cooked, I looked up confused.
"Why? And who?" I asked, she chuckled.
"The girls and because your getting married in a week, we've got nothing done. No dresses, shoes, stylists, nothing!" She exclaimed, I sighed placing plates of breakfast. I groaned and agreed, Sting came by and kissed my cheek.
"Can we talk?" He asked, I nodded and we left the room.

"Sting wants to come out to the media at the charity ball." I told my friends confidently, they blankly stared at me.
"So this I guess you could say is the death of a bachelor, huh." Katsura smirked, I sighed at her pun.
"It seems so fitting for a happily ever after, hmm." Levy agreed, I face palmed.
"I'm glad, it's about time he came off Chicago's Top Ten Hottest Unmarried List." Erza stated, we all nodded.
"Remember how it was in college, that was hilarious." Lucy began laughing.
"Didn't it go, some random five guys then 5th was Gray, 4th was Gajeel, 3rd was Rogue, 2nd was Natsu and in 1st was Sting." Juvia questioned, I just chuckled.
"I should have gone for Sting." Katsura teased, I chuckled.
"He's to cocky for his own good honey, I mange to sass him back enough to keep that ass in check." I joked, suddenly I felt two arms around my waist.
"Now what was that mia bella?" He whisper tickled my ear, I smirked.
"Oh the new guy that's gonna replace you on The Top Ten List, I mean he is smokin' hot." I joshed, I could feel his possessiveness radiating. The girls chuckled, I smirked.
"Run!" I shouted, the girls and I took off down the street.

"Wait a minute, I'm gonna get you (Y/N)!" He declared, I chuckled.
"You are in a shit ton of trouble!" Katsura lectured, I sighed.
"Not now sis, run now, lecture later!" I expressed, she sighed. Erza and the others laughed as we ran, I could here the screech of a limo around the block.
"Shit, we need to high tail it!" Lucy exclaimed, we nodded and rounded the block. Juvia whipped out her phone and sent a blast text to the boys.
'SOS we're being chased down by Sting! >_<'
Katsura clicked her ear piece, she sighed.
"Hi honey." She giggled, oh god it's Rogue.
"Yeah save us, please. Oh your up ahead, I see the limo. Be there in two." She ended the call, I smirked.
"So Rouges gonna save us?" Levy asked, panting out of breath.
"Yep." She exclaimed, I could feel Sting close behind.
"Hurry up!" Rogue shouted opening the door, Katsura jumped into his arms, Levy and Lucy jumped in followed by me and Juvia. Erza made it last and slammed the door shut, the tires screeched as the limo began speeding down the road.
"Thanks so much Rogue." I greeted, he chuckled.
"Sting is gonna be so pissed with me, but no problem (Y/N)." He spoke, I sighed sitting back.
"I'm gonna call Natsu and let him know, we're heading to Rogue and Katsura's." Lucy mentioned as she pulled out her phone, Levy did the same.
"I better call Gray too." Juvia added, I almost did the same.
"I would call Sting but I was playing tag with him about five minutes ago, he knows damn well where I'm going." I stated, everyone chuckled.
"Well that is true." Rogue chided, he all just laughed as we drove off.

Okay, one, two, three.

*Throws Late Update at rabid fan crowd*

Sorry I'm late, I've had a shitty Week and even shittier weekend. Yesterday I was driving back and forth, no time to get anything done. Next update on Friday.

Love my Royals, stay fantabulous.

~Author K.

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