chapter 10- plan in motion

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king's pov

2 weeks later.

"Did you send that picture you took?" I asked chris on the phone. I told j and chris to go down to stormy school a couple of weeks ago to get a picture with her. If it was one of us actually with her, basket would for sure want to meet up.

"Yup already done"

"Alright cool, I'll hit you up later" I ended the call.

"Do you know what you wanna do for valentine's day yet?" Skye asked, coming out my kitchen.

"It's barely the end of January, valentine's day ain't until another 2 weeks. we got time"

"I know but its always nice to plan ahead" She said wrapping her arms around my neck. "We could go out of town maybe or have a nice dinner" She said kissing me.

I guess you can say me and skye was together but not really. we just been spending a lot of time together. "Yea we could do that and then come back here and fuck all night" I said making her laugh.

"Oh most definitely" She said. We were caught up in the moment kissing and didn't hear the front door open and close. I stopped the kiss and looked up to see stormy and some other girl with her.

I remembered she said she wanted to walk home, so I let her but I didn't know she was bringing a friend. "What's up, who this?" I said referring to her friend.

"This is my friend mya and mya this is king" She introduced us. "I thought you wouldn't mind if she came over"

I looked at mya and knew she was cool because J been talking about her. "Yea she cool, its all good"

"Hi windy" Skye said announcing her presence. Stormy looked at her and smirked.

"Stormy Is my name not windy"

"Oh yea I keep forgetting"

I looked at the both of them as they looked at eachother. Mya then noticed the tension between them as well. "Stormy where's your room?" mya asked, trying to get stormy to break out of her stare at skye.

"Upstairs, come on" Stormy said never breaking her stare from skye. She then started to walk away, heading towards the stairs.

"King thank you for letting me stay and Ummm atmosphere it was great meeting you" Mya said calling skye atmosphere. I couldn't lie the shit was funny so I laughed.

Skye then hit my shoulder. "That wasn't funny, the bitch knew my name"

"Just like you knew Stormy's name?" I asked, knowing she was trying to start some shit. Ever since she found out stormy lives with me, she been coming over here more often and saying slick shit to stormy.

"No I really thought her name was windy. Stormy. Windy. It kinda sounds similar if you ask me"

I shook my head laughing at her. "Shut the fuck up you know that girls name" I slapped her ass walking behind her.

"Don't start nothing"

"What if I wanted to" I said kissing on her neck. I was in the mood to fuck.

"Lets go then" She said leading the way to my room. It was about to be a fun afternoon.

Stormy's pov

"So that's the bitch skye" Mya asked, once we were in my room.

I closed the door and took off my shoes, getting comfortable. "Yup" I said. Since meeting her at the mall and her being here all the time, we didn't get along to very much.

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