chapter 18- Love is a thing

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King's pov

I had a long fucking day and wanted to get home. I was already mad about some bullshit and when I pulled up in my driveway I seen stormy and some dude. he had his hand wrapped around her waist and I seen she tried to push him away but he wasn't having it. the thing that really made me mad was that he kissed her.

"No fuck that" I got out the car real fast. I went up to them and pushed the nigga off of her. I then recognized him as the guy who pulled a gun on me earlier at medrano's.

"I let you go on with your day earlier didn't I?" I asked this dumb froot loop ass nigga.

"I was just talking to stormy" He put his hands up.

"You want me to shoot you?" I asked taking out my gun. He tensed up real quick.

"No I was just dropping stormy off"

"Why the fuck you got niggas dropping you off at my fucking house" I yelled at stormy.

"I wouldn't have to if you didn't forget to pick me up"

Fuck! I forgot all about that. My mind was on a whole other mission today.

"That don't mean shit, You know what the fuck I do" I yelled. "Don't be bringing niggas up to my house"

"Bitch ass get away from her" I heard this ugly nigga say.

"What was that" I ran up on him. I threw a punch and he fell to the ground. we were in a full on fist fight but I was winning.

"KING STOP" Stormy got in between us. Out of reflex I pushed her and she fell to the ground.

"Calm your ass down King" Stormy yelled.

She got up and went over to shawn. He was on the ground almost unconscious. A busted lip and nose.

"Shawn go" Stormy helped him up. I watched as he trembled barley making it to his car and pulling out my gate.

Stormy looked at me with hate. "I can't believe you just did that" She said.

"Will fucking believe it" I shoved her a little. "Get in the fucking house"

Stormy's pov

"Stop fucking pushing me" I said to king. I tried to go upstairs to my room but he grabbed me by my arm and pulled me away from the stairs.


"He was giving me a ride home since you forgot to pick me up you jackass"

"I forgot about that shit. You should've called"

"I fucking did and you didn't answer not one phone call"

"If I didn't fucking answer, I didn't answer. Should've walked your lazy ass here"

"My bad but you left me and I needed a ride so I got one. You didn't have to beat him up"

"Oh I didn't?" He pointed at himself. "You know what yo little boyfriend did?" He asked. I looked at him and didn't know what he was talking about.

"He pulled a gun out on me" He said leaving me shocked. "So for you to be fucking dumb and bring the nigga to my house!" He yelled again. "Don't know what the fuck he could've done and to you at that matter"

"I said I was sorry"

"Fuck your sorry"

"You've been a fucking dick ever since we got back from Jamaica. What's your problem"

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