chapter 7- struggle or trust

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"No one knows my struggle, they only see the trouble. Not knowing it's hard to carry on when no one loves you" ~2pac~

"The most expensive thing in this world is trust. It can take years to earn and only a matter of seconds to lose." ~unknown~


king's pov

"its a good thing you got her here. her whole face is swollen. she has a black eye that is swollen shut and 2 fractured ribs." the Indian female doctor explained stormy's condition to me. "its not much of a major thing, her eye and brusies should heal in about a week or two and her ribs should be fine in about a month."

I sighed in relief because I felt kinda bad that her face was all fucked up.

"but its another thing I wanted to talk to you about. The blood that was coming from her pants wasn't because of her period, we did a examination and to find out that she was raped more than once."

"what do you mean more than once?"

"most likely it was two times but by two different men in a matter of minutes apart."

I was taken back by that. I didn't know ole girl went through that. "wow damm" I said shocked.

"look we are obligated to call the police, but since she is 18, it's her decision if she wants to get them involved or not."

I nodded my head, understanding. "follow me and I'll take you to her room." the doctor said leading the way.

Walking into the room, I seen stormy sitting up on her bed, staring at nothing.

"Ms. summers, we have your cousin here to see you." The doctor said not knowing I lied about being her cousin. I knew if I wasn't some type of family member they wouldn't let me stay and see her.

Stormy looked over at us and let out a stressful sigh, turning her focus back on staring at nothing.

"she's really in a state of shock it seems like. she wont talk unless it's necessary." the doctor explained walking over to stormy with her clipboard in her hand.

"ms. summers it says here that Mr. john Jefferson is your stepfather and legal guardian, but theres no number where we can contact him. Do you know where we can get in touch with him, to let him know your alright?"

I watched stormy tense up real quick and start breathing heavily, shaking her head no. her heart monitor started rising really fast.

"ms. summers are you ok? I need you to relax" The doctor said calling for a nurse. "nurse Amy we need you in here pronto."

I walked over to stormy and grabbed her hand. "ma chill"

She then started to calm down real fast. Her heart monitor started going down, back to a normal rate.

The nurse then walked into the room. "is everything alright" she asked walking over to stormy and checking all her medical equipment.

"yes thank you, she just had a mini panic attack, it seems like. everything is handled." the doctor said dismissing the nurse.

"is there a reason why you started to panic when I mentioned your stepfather?" the doctor questioned looking at stormy.

"no" stormy mumbled looking down at her hands. The doctor nodded, clearly not believing her. She then looked to me.

I decided it was best if i said something. "I know how to get in contact with him. I'll let him know"

"ok". The doctor said giving me a small smile. "ms. summers, this decision is up to, but just in case there is a chance of pregnancy, I can prescribe you a day after pill if you would like".

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