chapter 27- Personal

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Stormy's pov

I woke up with a nauseous feel in my stomach. I got out of king's hold and quickly ran to the bathroom.

Making it in time, I started to throw up in the toilet. repeatedly over and over, I felt empty and horrible.

Flushing the toilet, I stood up to my feet and washed out my mouth. I then started to brush my teeth and took 2 swings of mouthwash.

"Never again" I said to myself, walking out the bathroom.

King was still laying down in the bed. I layed back down on my side on top of the covers because I was hot. My head was killing me and all I wanted to do was sleep.

"First hangover. How's it going?" King mumbled with his eyes still closed.

"Horrible" I pouted.

"I'll get chu an aspirin" He said getting up and going into the bathroom.

I layed there waiting for him to come back and had my eyes closed trying not to focus on the throbbing feeling in my head.

"WAKE YO ASS UP" I heard chris loud ass voice.

"Fucking whhhyyy" I faked cry and grabbed a pillow, Putting it over my head.

I then felt the pillow being grabbed away from me.

"Bestfriend what is going on with your hair" He laughed, Playing in my hair.

"Chris not right now. I don't feel good"

"Them first hangovers can be a trip huh?" He laughed.

I looked at him and then gave him the middle finger and rolled over.

"Here take this" King mumbled because he had his toothbrush in his mouth. He gave me the aspirin and a bottle of water.

I put the pill in my mouth and swallowed it with the help of my water. I closed my water bottle and layed back down.

"What the fuck you doing here" King said coming back into the room after he finished brushing his teeth.

"Thought I'll just stop by and say hi to my buddy" Chris answered.

"The real reason" King said not believing him.

"Alright fine" Chris gave in. "I got a deal for you"

"What kind of deal?"

"I'll trade you my lambo for your lambo"

"What's wrong with yours?"

"Why it got to be something wrong with mine?"

"Because that's the first car you ever bought. So I know you wouldn't just give it away just that easily"

"Alright fine" Chris sighed. "One of the bitches who I took home last night threw up in my shit. And before yo-" King cut him off.

"Nah man. How you gonna try and give me a car that some hoe threw up in. It got hoe germs now"

"Come on now. You know you always wanted that car"

"Yea because it was only a few made and you bought the last one on some funny shit. You knew I wanted that car"

"And now im trying to give it to you"

"Chris man go somewhere" I heard the bathroom door shut.

"Bestfriend your nigga trippin" Chris said. "I'll see you later" He gave me a hug.

"Alright bye" I said as he left out the bedroom door.

I then heard the shower running and knew king was getting ready to go somewhere. I got comfortable in the bed and drifted off to sleep.

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