chapter 48- Truth be Told

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Stormy used her house keys to get inside the house. "Rashad!" She called out to him. Searching the house she went into the living room to see him sitting down on the floor while leaning on the soft gray sectional couch.

"What's wrong? You sounded worried over the phone." She frowned.

He was sitting there looking straight ahead. Before he flew back out to LA, he showered and got cleaned up. He didn't even look like he just got into a fist fight not to long ago.

"Why were you crying?" He asked once he turned to look at stormy.

"If I told you, you probably wouldn't believe me." She chuckled lightly. "I thought you left for New York yesterday? What you doing back?" She asked confused.

It takes atleast 5 to 6 hours to get to new york from los angeles but with rashad having a private jet on stand by he was able to get back quickly.

"I killed Ryan." He said nonchalantly.

Stormy laughed a little thinking he was joking but when she seen he wasn't she stopped. She dropped her arms down and frowned. "You really did didn't you." She said more to herself.

"Call me fucked up but I don't even feel anything." Rashad shrugged his shoulders. "No type of emotions."

Stormy went and sat by him. "Rashad im sorry-"

"Baby don't hit me with the sorry. Nothing to be sorry about. I don't regret it one bit."

Stormy nodded her head. After sitting in silence for awhile she decided to speak. "Liyah called me about 3 hours ago. She was crying nonstop and she asked me to go over there so I did."

"Come to find out, Crystal killed her dad." She shook her head. Rashad looked at her and couldn't believe what she just said.

"That lady got some fucking issues." He sighed and shook his head.

"Rashad when she looked at me, she laughed like it was some kind of joke or something. She killed my dad and then she goes and kills another person's dad."

"That's some crazy shit."

"When you told me I had issues with my mom that I need to face, I figured out what they were." Rashad motioned for her to continue. "I feel abandoned." She mumbled.

"Rashad believe it or not your lucky. You had both of your parents in your life for awhile and they showed you real love and-"

"Can I be real with you?" Rashad cut her off. He felt like he needed to let this be known.

"Always." She responded.

"When I was 10 and ryan was 15 we um snuck out one night. So you know me the little 10 year old wanting to follow and be like his big bro, I went. We ended up in this abandoned crack house that was in the hood." Stormy listened closely.

"Ryan had went inside so I went in after him and we had seen my dad in there with some hoe." He chuckled. "But little did I know that this mutherfucker ryan knew about it and led me to the place knowing I would want to come."

"So Im looking at my dad like what the fuck is you doing? Got a bitch that's not mom sucking on yo dick. Before I knew it ryan had pulled out a gun from his waistband and boom shot the girl in the head." Rashad shook his head. Stormy covered her mouth from shock as she couldn't believe that preppy lawyer ryan could do something like that.

"My dad went ham on that nigga. Went straight after him and started whooping his ass I tell you. Then you got your big brother telling you to pass him the gun. That's all I could hear in my head. shad pass me the gun, shad pass me the gun, pass me the gun. I finally did but when I tried to give it to him, that shit went off."

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