chapter 47- Unexpected

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"No pain is forever." - Rihanna

12:05 AM....... Wednesday night.

Stormy tossed and turn in the queen sized bed. Now 8 months pregnant, she was uncomfortable and couldn't get any sleep.

"UGH!" She yelled. Sitting up in the bed she looked at her phone to see the time. "Fuck my life." She sighed and threw her phone back on the dresser besides the bed.

"I need him." She said to herself.

She was now back at mya's house sleeping in her guest bedroom. About a month ago her and rashad got into a huge fight and she left again. She officially ended the relationship and told him they could coparent once the baby is here. Of course rashad didn't like that but he gave her the space that she wanted.

Hearing her phone vibrate on the dresser, she grabbed it and answered it. "Hello."

"Stormy?" She heard her name through the heartbroken voice.

"Liyah what's wrong?" She asked. All you could hear was police sirens and an ambulance in the background.

After trying to calm herself down, liyah responded. "It's---- m--- mm-- mo- mom." She said through her heavy tears.

"Listen to me, calm down. What happened? Are you ok?" Stormy got out of the bed.

"No can you pl-- ple- please get he-- here." She choked on her tears.

"Ok im on my way, stay on the phone with me ok?." Stormy told her as she searched for her shoes.

After finding them, she slipped them on and grabbed her nike hoodie. "Liyah you still there?"

Crying and heavy breathing was the only thing you could hear over the phone. "Liyah please talk to me." Stormy pleaded.

"Stormy I- I-- I can't. Just please get h-- here---"Ms come with me." A deep strong voice said.

"NO!" Liyah screamed. A bunch of movements could be heard through the phone and it made stormy panic.

"LIYAH??" She screamed. The phone call ended. Stormy rushed out her room and down the stairs.

"Woo you making me so unfit little boy." She said to her stomach. Just walking down the stairs made her out of breath.

She grabbed the keys to her Ferrari knowing it would get her there faster. She drove off with speed once she was in the car. Pulling up to liyah's community neighborhood in less than 20 minutes, she was met with nothing but chaos.

Ploice lights flashed everywhere. Neighbors and people were surrounded around the house. About 20 police cars were parked everywhere. The fire department and two ambulance trucks were there also.

Stormy stopped her car far away since it was to many people surrounded around the house and no way to get through.

She wobbled her way through the crowd of people to see what was going on. once she was in the front behind all the people, she seen liyah crying and policemen trying to get her to stop.

Yellow tape was wrapped around the house. The house front door was wide open as dectives and police came in and out the house. Without thinking stormy hopped over the barrier that kept the people away from the crime.

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