chapter 29- Checkmate

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Stormy's pov

"Mama hit my phone and said raps no good. better than telling me the checks no good" I rapped along to drake's new album views.

I pulled up into rashad's moms house. She wanted me to stop by so she could give me something.

Ringing the doorbell once, I waited for her to come answer.

"Hey stormy" She greeted me with a hug.

"Hey mom" I hugged her back.

"Come in, Follow me" She led the way.

I closed the door behind me and followed her into her kitchen.

"Wait right here" She told me before running upstairs.

I took a seat at her kitchen bar and texted Mya.

"We have no friends" I read her text message. I laughed because it was the truth. I was going to text her back but I heard the front door open and close.

"Ma where you at" Ryan yelled coming into the kitchen.

When he saw me he stopped in his tracks and stared.

"Stormy it is right?" He smiled.

"Yea" I laughed.

"We didn't really get to meet last time so...." he held out his hand. "Im rashad's older brother Ryan"

"Nice to meet you" I shook his hand.

He took a seat next to me and sat his brief case down.

I sat there uncomfortable because I didn't know if I should say something or not.

Robyn soon came back down with a little brown box.

"Hey baby I didn't know you were coming over" She hugged Ryan.

"I just wanted to check up on you. Thought you could make me some of your famous jambalaya for lunch"

"You know I will" She grabbed his chin playfully. "Let me get stormy out the way first" She said making him nod his head ok.

"Ok so this is my birthday present to Rashad" She showed me the box.

"What is it?"

"Dad's watch" Ryan answered for her. His whole tone changed and he looked upset.

"Why does rashad get dad's watch and I don't?"

"Because baby you know how rashad is with watches. He loves them and dad would want him to have his"

"He has a million of watches. What makes you think he's even going to wear that one" Ryan raised his voice a little and tensed up.

"Ryan calm down. It's his 21st birthday and this would mean a lot to him. If he doesn't want to wear it he doesn't have to. It's basically a gift from dad and he can cherish it" Robyn said strictly.

"Have fun with that" Ryan grabbed his brief case and stood from his seat. "Don't cry when someone steals it off him" He walked out the door, Slamming it shut.

"I don't know what's wrong with that boy sometimes" Robyn shook her head. "Sorry about that"

"No It's fine" I assured her.

"Ok back to this" She opened the box, Revealing a vintage gold and silver rolex watch.

"Im going out of town on his birthday and I won't be here. So I was hoping if you could maybe wrap this up and give it to him for me"

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