15. He has your phone.

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He has your phone.

Zayn: You're taking a bath, so he has the perfect opportunity to explore your phone. As he finds your phone and unlocks it he clicks on WhatsApp and began to read the groupchat you are in with a couple of other girls. Then a brilliant idea comes to mind. When you're done with taking a bath you check your phone, having several texts. You read back as you come accross one that was send from your phone, but you didn't send anything.. it said, 'have you seen my bf he is so hot'

Niall: You walked out of the building, you were just done with work today and you were tired. You were currently waiting on Niall to pick you up since he said he would take you out to dinner. But he's late. You grabbed your phone to diall his number but strangely.. there was no contact name named 'Niall'  you started to scroll around and then a long name catched your eye.. 'handsome & sexy ass mofo' right when you wanted to call, he pulled up. You got in laughing and said, "You are late.. handsome and sexy ass mofo."

Louis: He is the quite pranker.. so when Louis has your phone.. you can say you are dead. First he changed your background into himself, then he changes every guy in your contact list into weird names such as 'weird tasting fish' 'wiener' 'smelly nut cheese' 'purple squirrel' 'turd' and changing his own name into 'Louis Best Boyfriend Ever Tomlinson'

Liam: He quickly logs into twitter. He has the brilliant idea to tweet something funny through your account but as he sees your mentions his facial expression immidiately changes from happy to sad and anger. You always tell him the fans love you and are very nice, and don't recieve much hate. But you lied, and he can't believe he was that stupid. When he imagines how hard it has been for you he looks down and takes a seat. Holding his head in his hands and rests them on his knees. Plans changed, he takes your phone in his hands again and replies to a girl who tweeted you to kill yourself;"@(Y/T/N) dont you dare to talk like that to someone i love x liam"

Harry: You walk to the living room, when Harry notices you he quickly puts your phone back on the coffee table. You walk towards him and give him a suspicious look. He did something you think and he, nervously walks away. You recieve a new text, you open it to read. To your surprise.. he was talking with your mom.. saying stuff like.. 'Mummm, I have the best boyfriend ever!' 'He's so handsome!' 'Im going to bake him a cake!!' Then your mom replied.. 'Hello Harry.'

A/N: Hope you liked it x, by the way, I am so proud of everything this fandom has achieved. Love you all.

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