33. M&G and get to interview them (Requested)

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33. You won a M&G and get to interview them, (but you have never done one before. )

-I didn't proof read it! I'm terrible at that.. and I'm not feeling too well, so I hope you enjoy this anyway. :)

Louis: You remember it clearly, it was a 'Ah, what the hell. Why not.' moment after reading the question to win a M&G and an interview with, how the magazine described it 'the hottest boygroup in the world.'. 

That happened to be your favourite group! One Direction. 

And right now, you were next in to give them an interview about their latest album release. Standing in line next to the most famous YouTube sensations, writers of other amazing magazines etc! You were not going to stand 30 metres away from them, watching small versions of them like you did at one of their concerts. No, you were going to sit 3 metres away from them.. talking to them. Of course you would like to come even closer than that 3 metres but that is not important.

"They're here in 3 minutes I believe, they're just wrapping up their previous interview. Thank you for the wait, dear," and with that the staff disappeared.

When the boys entered they looked quite tired, not strange, they have been doing interviews for like 3 hours now. But still came into the room as the cheerful boys they are.

"Oh! Aren't you the girl that won the interview?" The enthausiasm of Niall made you feel a little more comfortable after giving him a nod.

Louis resting his arm on Niall joined the whole conversation, "Don't you worry.. eh.." hoping you would help with your name.

"(Y/N)," you smiled helping him forward.

"Yes, (Y/N), don't worrry! We will help you through it! Uh.. what magazine was it for again?"

"Oh, uh.. for Fabulous," you replied.

"Oh right! Amazing magazine, love it!" 

They others also exchanged greets with you, being polite, and sat down all a chuckling because Harry tripped over the cords of the lights.

Whispers became more quite as the cameraman gave the que that the camera was rolling.

After a lot of laughter and also serious topics, your time was up. Taking pictures with them as a good reminder.

You can't believe you just met them, and had a little chat with the man that was in charge of the camera. The camera man told you you were able to go home earlier, that they would handle the rest and that they will interview you about your experience another time as they were in a hurry. 

You grabbed all of your belongings and headed out of the room, you watched as the boys passed the boys re-doing their make-up. Heading to the waterdispenses that was placed very close to the opening of their room. Just curious to what the boys are like without any camera's. Actually pretty much the same, but the laughs even crazier.

Just when you thought you were nosy enough, and should leave. A word belonging to one of the voices of the boys caught your attention.

A laughter, "Louis, why would you even want that?" Was that not..

"Lou!" yes.. Lou, their stylist and was that not..

"Louis!" she whined back to him

"Please, don't be so loud! But really.. will you get it for me? I will pay you back.."

She chuckled, "Silly! It's not the money I am concerned about.. but why the hell would you want a magazine." There it was again.. the word that grabbed your attention..

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