35. Celeb Crush Jealousy

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Celeb Crush Jealousy


"Please let's watch this movie with me," he begs and pouts.

You raise one eyebrow as you strike a blow with your pillow, "No! Not again!"

"Oh baby.. please?" He doesn't know how to stop really, about 2 days ago you have already watched the movie together..

And all he did was drool over Megan Fox..

"Liam.." you warn him, not to go too far.

"Babe.." he whines back, "my lovely girlfriend.."

You sigh, "No Liam, definifely not. All you did was look at Megam Fox and making weird noises because of her beauty. I was scared you would almost molest my TV!"

"That's not true! I don't remember it like that," he throws his head up in annoyance.

"No not for you.. but for me? You kept blocking the TV, all excited for Megan Fox."

He pouts again like a puppy being scolded, "Liar," he mumbles softly.

"Okay, that's it. Watch the movie, or I mean her on your own," and you leave the room. You know that Megan Fox is like the impossible to get, even for Liam.. but it hurts that you know he could easily put some above you if he could've.. because let's be honest.. he meets so many beautiful and wonderful people each day..

Then why is he still here..? Because he never talked like that about your appearance.

Suddenly you hear the door of your bedroom open and some footstepts.

He hesitates.. but sits down.

You immediately turn your back to him when he pokes your sides, unable to think of something to say.. he stares at you.

"I told you to go watch the movie yourself.." you tell him when he wraps his arms around you and rests his head against your back.

He lifts your shirt just a little bit to be able to give a little peck on your back.

You resist your smile, remembering not to give in easily.. like you always do.

"Baby.. I'm so sorry. Should've known.. what I did to your feelings. But please know that no one will make me love them, like I love you.."

And another kiss.

"You're just talk," you reply, trying to get out of his hold.

But he tightens it and his grip is firm. No escape.

"No," his tone changes, "I'm serious."

He waits for a moment, and then speaks again, "I-I want you to remember that even though.. um.. there are so many women around.. the only one I want to come home to is you."

You slightly laugh at his cheesyness and turn around, "you totally flipped when I met Dylan O'Brien and I told him I liked his work."

"Argh! But I'm a man! I'm stupid and embarrassing sometimes!" He admits.

"But I still like you," you smile.

Niall (Requested)

As much as you didn't want to admit it, it's hard. Ellie Goulding, the best singer in the UK. The person whom's face gets printed daily into magazines worldwide.

That Ellie Goulding, also known as the girl your boyfriend has a not so secret crush on.

And when she said we were going to let it burn. You felt it. It burned, hard.

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