18. Your birthday present.

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Your birthday present.

Niall: He bought you the most sweetest thing ever. He got you a silver hot air balloon necklace. It holds a lot of memories, you went on a date and he thought it'd be a nice idea to ride a hot air balloon and fly over Ireland. It was also the date where he told you he loved you. And took you out to dinner.

Harry: He really stressed because he was not sure what to give you. Eventually he chose to do something more personal. He got you a beautiful bracelet, with an infinity sign. On the other side he carved in: "I will always love you."

Liam: Liam is really good at picking presents for people. So for your birthday he got a dress specially designed for you. It was a beautiful and cute blue and white vintage dress. With on the hem of the dress in small your initials. Its was a lovely dress, made for a lovely girl.

Louis: Louis stuggled with words, a lot. He wanted to tell you for a long time how he felt. And since he was throwing your birthday party, why not put the words into a song and perform in on your birthday? The other boys offered their help even though Louis turned them down.. writing a song on his own was hell for him, so he begged for their help anyway.. It was lovely.

Zayn: Zayn found it hard to think of an amazing present, you have know eachother for 5 years. He ran out of ideas.. So, he painted you and him together. It took him hell a lot of work but managed to make it in time.. He was embarrassed to show it to everyone, so when you got home.. he had turned it into a big surprise. When you thought he forgot your birthday.

A/N: Again thanks for all the lovely reads! Also! I love their new song Diana. <3 


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