12. He finds out that you self harm. (Requested)

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He finds out that you self harm. (Requested)

Its not really too depressing or anything but if you don't feel so comfortable reading than you should not. x

Louis: "Why don't you understand that I love you, and do this for your own good?!" Louis yelled, he just saw you burn yourself. It was a self harm you just needed. It released your pain.. "Louis you don't get it!" you fell to the ground, breaking out in tears, with hands in your hair. "I really don't! Why would you even to this! If something is wrong, you can just tell me!" thats the problem, you couldn't. He was never there. You walked away, running to the bathroom. Louis was right behind you. He quickly wrapped his hand around your wrist thinking you'd escape and self harm again. But you jerked away and locked yourself up fast enough. He started banging against the door. "(Y/N)! Open! God damn it! Open the fucking door!" You we're terrified. You didn't want help. You can't stop. "Just go away!" you yelled back, crying changed your voice but you tried to keep it a little natural. "Baby, Im sorry.. I didn't mean t- fucking hell Im just.. too worried. I don't want you to think you can't trust me," he stopped, and slid his back against the door and sat down, "I don't want you hurt.. I wan't you to get better. I want you happy, and even though you thought I wasn't there for you.. I was. I always will and.." he was now in tears.. "I wished you'd know that." He was calm now.. This will be.. so hard for you. But Louis is there for you.. "Okay.." you said as you opened the door. "I will get help.."

Zayn: You closed your laptop, again a skype chat that didn't end well with your parents they fought again. Another day you cut yourself. You went downstairs as Zayn was on the couch watching 'Pawn Stars'. "Hey love, what are you always doing upstairs?" he suddenly asked you, still keeping his eyes on the TV. Shit, what if he knew. If he knew he would actually give you a look.. an angry, worried, maybe a sad one. "Drawing." you replied a little nervous, that wasn't a lie, it kinda was drawing. "Oh sweetie can I see?" he asked turning off the TV. "No! I mean.. its not done yet.." and you hurried away. Lets continue the drawing. You gently placed the razor on your skin and watched your velvet red blood drip slowly. You just really felt the need.. especially since the fight of your parents. "Honey, I really want to see.." he just looked at you. No words.. you couldn't read his face. But slowly a tear rolled down his cheek. "Why didn't you.." you sighed and wanted to explain.. "Zayn I can ex-" but he cut you off "Babe.. You can tell me.. everything.. Come.." he took your hand and cleaned you up, it stung like it always did but he was gentle. "So why?" he asked turning the water off. "My parents.." you weren't quite comfortable talking about it.. but you believed him. "I didn't know it was that bad.." he rubbed your back, comforting you. "It is.. Zayn you don't understand! They want a divorce and-" you were practically freaking out. You didn't want them to divorce.. "Ssh ssh, Im here. I'll get you through this.. but babe, don't 'draw'. I know its hard, but I'll help you stop. I want my baby to be happy.. I'll do anything."

Niall: "Don't be sad honey, I want you to be happy, okay?" Niall was leaving for tour, the feeling was absolutely killing you. He was the only one you could truly confide in, now he's leaving. You nodded as you hugged and he walked away together with the other boys. Weeks past and you are breaking. Your hand was shaking at what you had made of yourself. Thighs we're full with scars. Everyone hated you, your parents were basically work-a-holics, you can't tell your friends what you are doing, you were.. alone. And fans.. If everyone wants you dead. They can have it. You stared at the window thinking if you should do it or not. Little did you know, Niall was watching you, he had about two days he could spend with you and he took the chance. Niall always liked watch you doing anything. He'd always stand in the doorway leaning.. but you didn't notice. You climbed out of the window, watched your steps on the roof. As you let yourself fall a hand pulls you back. "(Y/N)! Are you mad?!" he yells, pulling you back into the house.. He was here.. "You're back.." "For godsake! Im happy I am!" he was pacing, hand in his hair. "Why did you do it?" he suddenly stopped and grabbed you by the shoulders. "Why did you try to kill yourself?" he asked again. "You told me to be happy." that was when his face fell. "But how am I going to be happy without you, love? What do I do without you? I love you.. I thought you knew." he let go of your shoulders. "Im sorry, I was too scared-" "You cut yourself, (Y/N)?" he noticed your wrists.. you nodded. "Why?" he asked.. "I was hurting." He held you tightly in his arms, "I will make the pain go away."

Liam: Today was a nice day, you were watching TV until Liam stormed down. He walked right up to you with your diary in his hands you knew you were beyond screwed, he pulled up your sleeves revealing your scars and burns. He was way stronger.. you could've fought back but he already knew.. "So its true, isn't it?" you didn't dare to speak. "Well?" you nodded, ashamed to look at him. "I wish you had told me.." he threw your diary on the ground, "please, will you never do it again?" But you couldn't, you felt better by doing it, you couldn't just stop it. "Liam I don't know how, if I feel numb.. I just.. need to feel.. feel pain." You felt numb whenever sadness hits you, thats why you need to 'feel'. Thats why you can't confide in someone, you didn't have anything like that. Never had. "Please (Y/N), just do it for me. I can't even think about you.. harming yourself. You can trust me.. I'll never do you wrong just p-please.." you we're both in tears. You couldn't bare to see him like this. "I'll.. try to stop.. I want you to be here for me.. don't leave me." if its Liam. You will try.. and believe him. "I could never leave."

Harry: "Honey, don't you think you should eat a little bit more?" Harry asked. Did he want you fat? Isn't skinny just what he wants? Your insecurity was speaking again. You just gave him a little glare and walked away. Why you put yourself through this? Hate, and you felt a pressure of being absolutely perfect. Fat, ugly, so you changed your lifestyle to thinking its healthy but really its not. You told Harry you were okay with the hate. He could not see you as weak.. he'd might break up with you. Your parents would give the 'I told you so' since they warned you dating famous people would cause problems. But your razor never lets you down. You grabbed a towel. You sat yourself down on your shared bed, and started cutting your thigh with the towel your thigh. Suddenly you heard a knock. You quickly, covered everything up with your duvet, shit, you have to wash that tonight. "Hello, gorgeous." Harry smirked. He came closer and lay down on the bed. He started to rub your thigh, near the fresh cut, it kinda stung. Shit he is in the mood. You quickly stopped him, "Uh Harry, Im not in the mood.. And I like it better when its dark so, eh please stop.." It had to be pitch black, that way he would never see your scars. But he wouldn't stop every time you removed his hand. Then he got over the fresh cut. "I got you pretty wet though, even your thigh babe," he smirked, "wait, how can your thigh.." He looked at his hand as he realised it was blood. He removed the duvet showing the scar, the razor, the towel. "Babe.. you.." he suddenly panicked. "Harry, Harry I- please calm down." "Calm down? Calm down? How can I calm down!" he yelled. After Harry collected himself he started to clean you up. "Please tell me you'll stop." you sighed. "It's not that easy, Harry." "Babe, I want you to trust me. I wan't you to know you are not alone. You can tell me whenever something is wrong, or good. Just never hurt yourself again, you are beautiful and Im here to let you know I will get you through this. Because I love you."

A/N: I feel like I failed, I tried to get a little bit in their minds but I tried my best. Im sorry some got quite long. But I didn't want to go with the "stop self harming okay?" "im sorry, i'll stop" because its not that easy (not that I have ever done it). So I wanted to have all of them different.

But I hope you liked it, also, when you feel like you want to talk. Im here! Please don't hurt yourself.

And thank you for the 2k views. That really does mean a lot to me.


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