28. He cheats on you. (LIAM & ZAYN 2/2)

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He cheats on you.

Liam: You drop every thought as you try to progress the words she just said to you. For a second you don't believe her, knowing how Liam is, but sadly his angry look confirms every thing she said. She steps into her car, leaving the damage she has done to make itself worse. Every step Liam takes to approach you, you wanted to run, "How?" "Why?" but your voice doesn't allow any question to be asked. So you run, you run to your car as you hear Liam's footsteps going faster, trying to stop you. He can't let you go away, he can't without trying to make you stay. It was a mistake he wished was erased, but she never left him alone. You open the car, trying to get in as soon as possible and lock the door. But as soon as you try to get in he pulls you out, and pushes you against the door, no escape. "(Y/N).. Listen.." he begins, "Let me go." not being able to look into his eyes. "You don't get it I-" you cut him off, "I don't want to." Your head is pounding, and all you really want is to be alone. "Please, I.. I can not lose you, I don't care about her." "Then why?" Is he kidding you? Doing something like that when he doesn't care? "I don't know! I don't know.. okay?! I love you, I really do, and I swear I have never felt so guilty.." He was stuggling, but so were you, you see him hold his tears back in order to protect his pride. But now, he let go of it, theres no pride if he doesn't have his girl. "If you love me-" you started, being cut off, "I do! You have no.. idea." "Then, let me go." This made it for him worse, but in order to set your mind straight and to think about this, will never be possible with him being like this. He bites his lips and his hands let go of your car, but halfway he stops and puts them back, "I never wanted to hurt you, please, please give me a second chance. You'll leave me broken." And lets go again. You nod, but only to be polite. You get in and drive away, questions making it hard to drive. But seeing him stare at your car driving away in tears, mouthing, "Please." has made your answer pretty clear. You were into this too deep, its impossible to let him go.

Zayn: You nodded weakly as she looked at you painfully, "Im sorry." was what she said. You turned to Zayn, knowing he has fucked this up with you he can't even look you in the eye. You smile at the receptionist as a way to thank her, seeing her bite her nails. You walk out, making you notice the tears in your eyes. "(Y/N)..?" This voice.. has it been telling you lies this whole time? You slowly turn around, trying to keep a pokerface, but he's not like that, he knows, a little of sadness he finds is already letting him know how much you are holding back. You looked at him, everything about him was hurting you, everything. He was too good to be true. "Get me home," you needed to pack, you needed to go. "(Y/N).." wanting to explain, "Get me home! Now!" Everything about him is making you fragile, "I love you, I love you." but it meant nothing now. You run upstairs, and grabbed a big bag from under your bed and started to throw everything into it, planning to get everything out when he'll be gone for work. You hear him slowly coming up, not trying to add oil to the fire. But when he sees what you're doing he can't help it but throw everything out of the bag all around the room. "I won't let you go! I can't.." he stops, knowing he is in the wrong this time, and that these kind of actions can't be accepted. "I don't deserve this Zayn.." you speak, the tension getting high. "I don't deserve to get treated like this.. you practically payed to.." the thought making you want to throw up all the feelings. "I- Argh!" he freaks out and falls to the ground, hands in his hair, angry and crying, angry at himself. Angry for treating you like this, and angry because he broke his promise. "You mean a lot to me," he says through his cries, "Im sorry I didn't realise it earlier, Im sorry, Im sorry." "Im sorry too, I guess I didn't satisfy you.." He looks up, "No! Its my own damn fault, I- Im stupid, and I screwed up, I screwed up." "Zayn, Im.. I-" you try to speak, but maybe its better not to give a second chance. Maybe you need a break, maybe its not smart to let him get away with this. You decide to pick stuff later up, not wanting to hurt him. "Please," you say wiping your tears away, "treat the next girl better, and don't give her a reason to leave you." you say, and close the door. Missing it, when he whispers back; "There won't be another girl."

A/N: I did write like way earlier, but it somehow got deleted. I have no idea how..

But what I want to tell everyone is, if you get cheated on, please think very well before you take them back. I certainly wouldn't but, you never know when you love a person too much to let them go.. at least, make them know that they can't get away with this.

Sorry for being slow! I have been ill for 3 weeks, and finally! Im better!

I also hope everyone had an amazing christmas! And holiday if you don't celebrate!

Tell me what you thought about it! 


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