LOUIS ONE SHOT - Dirty Mouth

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Hot breaths filled the air, it was a cold day. Louis and you decided to do an old fashioned date at the amusement park.

You run carefully to a little shop admiring what they had on display. Louis on the other hand.. this was not his style.

"Oh Louis, I was told they had this amazing rollercoaster," you began, linking your hand into his. Dragging him over to the big billboard map. You let go and started to try to find the name of the rollercoaster remembering it began with the P.

Louis groaned in annoyance. Having no intrest. He took your cold hand in his as he placed his chest to your back. Keeping you warm.

"Isn't this fun?" you asked, beaming.

He placed his head on your shoulder, whispering in a low voice, "I can be fun..

when Im naked.."

You had an idea of teasing him.

"Well.. thats a good idea.." you began in a seducive tone, earning a smile from him, "then why.. don't you go home then, so you can be all naked by yourself?" You finished it, with a huge smile.

He groaned again, at your unbelievable ruined moment.

"That's dirty," he laughed.

"Thought you liked that," joining him, he should not always get what he wants.

"If its about stuff that I like.. you know what to do.. right?" You slapped him playfully to tell him to stop.

"Come on, its not so bad. Give it a chance, come, ride the ferris wheel," you pulled him along.

"Ride me instead," he whispered again. Making you stop in tracks, blushing in disbelief of his dirty mouth.

"Ferris wheel." you said serious, giving him a look from preventing to laugh.

"Okay, okay, but next is my choice?" he laughed, you shyly laughing too.

You ignore him, afraid anyone would hear him say these things.

You both sat down and waited for the ride to begin. "Now is this so bad?" you asked him.

"I suppose not," he replied, holding you close. These were the moments you loved him the most, he would show you how much he wants to protect you. Assure you that he was there.. though right now.. he's holding you a little too tight.

"L- Louis.. I can't breathe-" and he let you go as soon as he realized he is practically killing you.

"Oh, sorry."

"What's up with you?" this was your first time seeing him like this. It was a little strange.. yet quite adorable.

"I.. nr rdfrsh wiel," he mumled.

"What?" you asked.

"I nvr rd frs wiel," he said it a bit louder.


"I never rode a ferris wheel, okay!" He yelled.

"I heard you the first time, I just couldn't believe you were scared," you replied. Recieving a look from him that made you laugh.

"Who said I was scared," ..men.

"You, when you almost strangled me."

He murmured in himself again.

"Come here," you hugged him in comfort, "I can't believe I'm doing this." You laughed.

"Oh shut up, will you!" his english accent filled the cabin.

As soon as the ride ended and he tried to make a move on you. Showing his manliness, you couldn't help it but remind what had happened there in the ferris wheel.

-A/N: I just felt like making this. I haven't checked any grammar/spelling errors. So sorry for that..

But ha ha ha ha.. why did I make this.

Love you all for all the reads that I highly appericiate. :)


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