2# ONE SHOT LIAM: Try Again, And Again

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2# ONE SHOT NIALL: Try Again, And Again

This is just literally just a story, if you like reading.. I suppose this could be something for you.

Big white clouds, seaguls and sea air were replaced by a high ceiling the moment you decided to flutter your eyes open. Still too tired to start the day you lean more into the matress of your bed, hugging the duvet. But the sun just wouldn't let you, forcing you to open your eyes.

The air in the room was thick, and full of questions. This? This was definitely your apartment. Though most of your stuff seem to have remained in the original position.

The polaroids everywhere told you something else.

Some were pictures of people you had no idea about.

There were so many different things displayed on the many polariods.. All with a little inky text scribbled below the picture.

Like this one '11/3/2012 - Better than a bakery' The picture was of a rather.. special cake. Chocolate was randomly thrown on it together with the strawberries and whip cream.. but it felt like a good experience..

You tried hard to remember something, anything to be honest. For example, who is that boy? Why were they baking? But most importantly..

"Why can't I remember"

You picked up another one that was on the table next to your bed.

'Here you loved me, and I will make you love me again.' You read, the picture showed two hand interwined.. the only question going through your head would be..

"Who is that?"

You can't recall, but the thing is you don't need to. Walking over to your desk that isn't full with papers and what not, it's only three books that are lying on it.

It didn't seem like any of your school books, your hand vaguely touched it.


You opened the book there was so much written on it that it made you almost scared, 2013 the middle of the book showed? There's no way, you could swear it was just 2011.

Flipping through the pages made you only more confused and frustrated. In all 3 books the first thing they say is,

'I suppose you remember your name, it's (Y/N). You have amnesia, no worries, I will get you through the day again and again.'

Walking with sloppy steps to the door you were greeted by more, a polaroid.

'Greet me, your boyfriend, Liam'

Opening the door, it felt even more different.

On the couch was a boy sleeping, judging by the casual sweat pants and shirt it seemed like he has been here for a while.

Which is confirmed by how comfortable he feels here.

"Good morning," he smiles folding his arms while remaining in his sleeping position.. only staring at you this time.

He is waiting for your reaction..

"Good morning.." you reply, "what.."

He immidiately cuts you off and begins a full story, "Lemme help you on that!"

Everything he tells you feels like he is doing a musical, no thinking, it's like a scripted story.

Or he has done it repeatedly..

He prepared breakfast for you and has breakfast with you as if it's all so normal.

All of a sudden his phone rings and he excuses himself to answer it.

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