27. He cheats on you. (LOUIS&HARRY&NIALL 1/2)

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He cheats on you.

Ah, here they are famous :).

Louis: You had could not believe your eyes, but there it was. It was everywhere, everywhere you walked past you would see: "Pretty girl tricked by popstar." "The truth about boy bands rockstar." But none of them broke your heart as much as.. "Louis Tomlinson," the words that broke you the most, "cheated on his girlfriend." You immediately opened the magazine in disbelief. Was that it? Or is it that you just didn't want to believe it? But it didn't stop you from reading.. you closed the magazine again, taking in every word that was written.. scanned your eyes one last time over the pictures, no way you can deny it. It was a back, but on the night stand in the background a bracelet was visible, one Daisy gave him on his birthday. The whole thing hit you, as much as you wanted to deny it, you just knew you would be lying to yourself. Its all black on white. This article was about the girl talking about this experience. It was disgusting, her telling your boyfriend was sweet, and how he treated her. You quickly left the store, hiding yourself in your hair you tried to get home as soon as possible. But fans are easily to be found, and they are smart. One tweet telling where you are, can lead to more fans, and the worst.. paparazzi. It spread like fire and in less than 20 minutes, 4 big men with camera's had you surrounded. "Anything to say about your boyfriend!?" "How's Louis!" "How do you feel right now?!" It didn't make the pain easier with this. "Are you still together?!" "Did you broke up?" "How did you confront Louis?!" Confront Louis? You were very sure you can't look him in the eyes anymore. It was enough. You stopped, in surprise to the crowd around you: "Im single at the moment."

Harry: Pain, cries and screaming. That is what it had been for a couple of weeks now. But why would he care, he probably thinks everything is fine. He will find an empty house, half of the clothes gone when he comes home. Leaving only memories behind. Any call or text message has been ignored. Can it be more obvious that it is over? He probably should know by now. That wasn't what you wanted it to be, not until one day.. It was a normal day as usual, studying, going for coffee with some close friends. The phone of your shared home rang, and as you picked up: "God damn, finally! You didn't pick up your phone! I had to go through so much trouble, I wanted to say goodbye!" It was the day Harry left, maybe this was a cousin, or anything. "Ah.. This is (Y/N).. Im his girlfriend." this felt as a very awkward phone call, but it got worse; "Girlfriend huh?" she laughed. "Uh, yes." you replied, but the next thing was just too hard; "Not for long," she laughed again, "I mean, it wasn't hard to get him to fuck me."

Niall: 'I don't like surprises,' he said. You smile thinking about how he likes to have control of what's happening. You remember clearly how you told him you didn't care and you both laughed, forcing him to accept your gift. He liked it, and he would like it if you visited him, not? It had been a 'online relationship' for a while since he's gone all the time. His mates knew his plans, he was going to football with one of his friends. When you arrived you saw him sitting alone, you approached your boyfriend, smirking on how you would surprise him. But maybe it was a little too late, a girl walked to him giving him a small peck on the cheek. That made you stop and hide, you knew Niall was friendly with his friends.. just not, that, friendly that they'd do that. It seemed to be just a casual talk, maybe you were just overreacting, you can tell him how you feel about that anyway. But suddenly something stopped you from continuing your surprise plan, "When.. are you officially going to be mine?" the soft voice of the girl asked. "Its not as easy as it looks like, she will be so broken if I do that," he replied. "If you don't.. I will be broken," she kissed him. "Im over her," nothing hurt you more than those words, "I love you, now."

A/N: Hello! So this is for the other boys!

Hope you like it :)!

I'll write the cheesy end later!


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