ZAYN ONE SHOT - Come back

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And finally here is Zayn's one shot.. (you might get really confused in the beginning, I have warned you.)



The image of you keeps haunting me..

I remove the big white blanket that has been covering my old fashioned piano, dust flies everywhere the minute it's gone. The piano has remained exactly as I remembered the day I covered it with the blanket.

Slowly I place myself behind the piano, and play the only tune I have ever learned. The minute I start playing, she comes and sits beside me.

The face whose emotions had been stolen, returned as soon as she entered the place. Returning a brief yet radiant smile back.

Her fingers slowly shift from place to place on the piano, playing a tune together with me like we did a long time ago.. too long ago..

No word has been exchanged, only communicating through presence, music and facial expressions.

Wake up, and protect her.


As music starts playing, me and the boys give eachother looks. Stopping every action, is he at it again?

He's crazy, and it hurts every one of us to see our friend like this. We all get up to follow the source of this, the sound of the music keeps coming closer.

Louis opens the door, as we all watch. He doesn't even notice us in the slightest.

Wake up, and move on.

Harry slowly makes his way to the piano, whispering Zayn's name soflty as no contact has been made.

Louis stops Harry when he tries to touch him, trying to tell Zayn to stop. Quickly stepping in front of him and hold his upper arms firm just to turn him around and push him back to where we are standing.

Niall takes a seat on a chair near the window, as we listen to the sad, yet comforting notes.

Wake up, and face us.

All he does is smile..

He gets up, and only looks at her as he walks out and leaves the building. We follow him, seeing him get coffee with her. We take a good distance to observe this situation.


I put her coffee on the table as well as mine, and sit down, placing my elbows on the table.

"Sorry for the wait," I tell her and she replies by shaking her head.

I smile like a fool, looking at her beautiful appearance. Drinking my coffee carefully.

Foolish me begins to draw her name in the inside of my hand, Im not able to surpress my happiness.

But the words I'd like to tell her remain silent, not wanting to ruin any second of her being with me.

I miss you very much.. I can't sleep at night,  the foolish me keeps hoping, begging, praying for you to be back. I want you back.

I quickly move my hand to my hot coffee as she gives me a look, curious of what I am doing.

There was no way I could do anything about you leaving me. Such a distance has been created between you and me that I just can't fix.

But I just can't help but miss you, I can't forget you.

When we are done, I decide to go back to the place me and the boys always hang out at.

I call her the minute I get home, I can't stop with laughing with her on the phone telling great stories she has gone through.


This is pure madness, this is unhealthy for him. He will get absolutely mad if this continues. His guilt is eating him up so much..

As he is with her on the phone, I really can't help it anymore. Someone needs to put an end to this.

"Zayn! This is enough, get yourself together, mate!" I scream, no response.. "Zayn, listen to me!"

Niall quickly runs up to tell me off, but I don't feel like listening anymore. It needs to stop, now.

"Harry, stop! He won't listen, let him be please!" He begs, and the rest of the boys don't do anything. Only able to watch how the problem keeps digging a bigger one.

I push myself through him and start to shake Zayn's shoulders, and he gets angry with me.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Harry! Can't you see I am busy!"

"No, Zayn. You are not! I know how bad things have been lately! But you keep digging a bigger hole for yourself! Get back into reality!" I can feel the other boys not able to look at him, he has been fooling himself for way too long.

"You are talking shit, Harry! I don't even understand what you are saying!" He pushes me, "Louis, tell him!"

Louis gets uncomfortable, he takes slow steps toward us. Two anger faced men. "Zayn, the truth is.. you really have been fooling yourself." And the other guys nod in agreement.

Zayn leans on the brick wall as he questions us, "What are you guys talking about?"


"Zayn, listen," Liam starts. My head starts to get dizzy, from yelling but also from their weird statements.

"Today, while you played piano.. she was not there.." No.

"And at the coffee shop.." Niall begins, "you were all alone.." No, no.

"Zayn," Louis places his hand on my shoulder, "she.. she's dead, you have been imagining her.."

My mind completely loses it, and before I know it my fist makes a swing at Louis. As soon as my hand is disconnected from his face, Liam, Harry and Niall hold me back from any other unexpected action.

I yell, "Don't talk shit to me, Louis! All of you!" My anger pushes the three away and I leave the scene.

I hear someone mutter, "we are doing this for you"

The first thing I do is finding my love. But ever since Harry rudely interrupted us, she has been missing.

I panick, as my tears start to flow.

(Y/N), I miss you.. where did you go? Come back to me..

A/N: I know this was kinda crappy.

But my friend had told me about this thing that made me cry. Well so I wanted to make this, turned out to be hard.

Does anyone even read these things?

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