3# ONE SHOT ZAYN (Sequel): Approval

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I was asked to do a part two, just so you guys know.. if you have any idea's for me, don't hesitate to ask them!

A/N: I didn't feel this one so much so it's more of a drabble feeling of sorts..

It's very.. reality based, and in my opinion.. I don't see Zayn saying a stream of cheesy stuff.

Approval (Sequel)

Your neck was going to kill you, on the way home taking the train people kept staring at you as if you were a freakshow. You had to bend your head all day to finish everything. It almost made you count the minutes.

A faint, "maybe she doesnt have much muscle in her neck.." from an old couple earlier.

You had to resist to stand up and tell everyone, "Okay, listen up guys I just came from work and my neck is killing me. I'm sorry okay?"

But you were to tired to bother that much.

With your bag worsening your mood you turned the lock of the door with your key. Today you were going to have dinner with your family, it felt quite nice to often come back to the room you grew up in.. but coming back to the time you had to please everyone.. not so. Honestly, who would like to feel like a waste of space? By your own family..

"Hi, guys," you call, expecting a scold from your sister saying you should greet people with more words because you sound like you were raised with not knowing what respect is. 'At least act like you have manners..' she would say.

But now? You were too tired to give a damn.

With no reaction at all you walk into the living room, shocked faces and pasrty smiles everywhere.

That meant one thing.

You froze in your place, the wall slowly unfolding the unexpected guest. It felt like a big heavy weight suddenly balanced on your shoulders. Not like it was a bad thing, just so unexpected and uncomfortable.


All three showed me a toothy unnatural smile, greeting you.

Before you knew it they sat you down next to Zayn, on the opposite side of the table your mom and sisters sipping their tea as uncomfortable as you and Zayn.

You know what this was to him, you are most likely 100% sure that he came instead of that your family asked him to join for tea.

Mainly because there were flowers and a box of chocolate on the table.

But this also meant he really is trying his best for you, you are aware of how hard it is for him. How he feels like pretending to be a person who.. is not him. Doing all this formal talk, scared to make an unacceptable joke and what not.

And your family.. well they act as if they are so fond of him but behind his back they give snide remarks, "look at all the tattoo's" etc. Oh especially your sister, "I'm trying to do what's best for my little sister, I know I have high standarts but that guy? Honey, he is a singer! Look at all the other ones, they end up bad! And come on.. his music is not even that good." You remember her words clearly like wounds that left a scar.

It killed you, they didn't hate eachother.. there's just not much tolerance and acceptance between them making it a hard time for all 4 of you. Because honestly your dad was neutral, he couldn't care less. He works, he eats, goes on his laptop, watches documentaries, sleeps.. and that's his routine.

And you are thankful that he doesnt pry into every little thing.

"So.. today, I came to," he pauzes to look at you, I can see it. Your sister is thinking that he is taking too long and you glare, "I came to ask for your approval to date your daughter.. I know that this is old-fashioned but I thought it would be a nice thing to do." He smiles and a glint of nervousness is shown, but due his daily life as the most important figure to many people.

He needs to cover that up, and he knows how to.

Your mother is writing her thoughts in her eyes, 'you think we are.. old-fashioned?'

Zayn most likely won't notice but you? Why can't they just get along is all that is going through your mind.

"I like her," he smiles genuinely and you beg. No, pray. That their heart would melt just a little bit, "and she means a lot to me.. so, please come to my home sometime. I would love to make you some dinner. And get to know you better."

This boy was like an angel and no way they could deny this, after clattering silverware and resisting their slightly shocked faces. They agreed to come, honestly they were very pleased by this gesture.

The day finally came and you were very surprised by his manners, he showed the best of him. Showed his art work to your mom, which your mom enjoys very much as she is very into painting herself, and everything went well. He practically studied your sister, knowing her likes and dislikes. It was over and your dad, mom and sister were seated in the livingroom. You and Zayn started washing dishes as he lets out the heaviest sigh.

"You did well.." you smile, and when he is about to thank you, you cut him off, "but it's not you.. I mean, I appreciate all the hard work but.. show them you. Not a person that they want."

Next thing you knew your mom stood in the kitchen, taking over your places doing the dishes with Zayn.

You decide to eavesdrop.. "You're a good kid, Zayn. Thank you for liking my little girl," as she pats him on the back with slightly wet hands.

"Thank you Mrs. (Y/L/N)," he smiles, "and sorry for making you wash it, my dishwasher broke."

"That's fine, I like doing this together with you, the guy that makes her smile," she laughs at her own cheesyness.

After the whole day you decided to sleep at your parents home together with your sister, to find out their thoughts. But promising Zayn to sleep at your apartment with him the next day.

"It's a nice guy, I hope I didn't scare him away too much," your sister laughs.

You reply, "thought you all disliked him."

"He's okay.. but you are my little siter you know? I need to protect you even if we're all 50!"

"If he is putting in so much effort for you.. it must mean something.."

After the laughs about Zayn's shaky voice when naming the dish, or your dad broke into a waterpool of sweat because he took the hot pepper lightly, you all call it a day.

Checking your phone you see a message from Zayn.

"And? Did I pass the test??"

You laugh, "Yeah but only because I like you so much.."

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