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One day, Merry and Pippin challenged Frodo to drink an entire gallon of milk. If he lost, then he had to buy drinks for the both of them at The Green Dragon Inn.

Frodo accepted their challenge. The three hobbits stood in the middle of the kitchen. Merry handed Frodo a glass bottle full of milk.

"Alright, Frodo." Said Merry. "We dare you to drink that entire bottle of milk. If you loose, you owe us each a pint of ale, got it?"

"Got it." Replied Frodo, who seemed confident enough to take on the challenge.

"1..." Said Pippin. "2....3! Go!"

Frodo chugged and chugged at milk. He had drank almost a quarter of the bottle.

"Keep goin', Frodo!" Cheered Merry and Pippin.

"You can do it! Go! Go! Go!"

After a few big gulps, he found that the milk was getting harder to swallow. His stomach started rumbling like an earthquake. Frodo pressed his hand against his stomach and groaned.

"Come on, Frodo!" Encouraged Pippin.

"Don't give up!" Cheered Merry.

The taste of the milk became unbearable.

When he was down to the last sip, sweat dropped down from Frodo's forehead

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When he was down to the last sip, sweat dropped down from Frodo's forehead.

"I'm...I'm finished." He panted.

"Very good, Frodo!" Smiled Pippin, patting him on the back. Frodo wiped the milk off of his mouth with the edge of his sleeve.

"Great job, I knew you had it in you!" Laughed Merry, poking at Frodo's belly.

All of a sudden, Frodo felt a great pain growing inside his gut

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All of a sudden, Frodo felt a great pain growing inside his gut.

"Oh!" He cried

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"Oh!" He cried. "Oh my goodness!"

He rushed out of the kitchen, letting out blood curdling groans on his way to the bathroom.

"Frodo!" Merry and Pippin rushed after him, making sure he was alright.

Frodo and Merry One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now