Part Of Me

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" head...they...they...h-h-hurt." I whimpered. Frodo sat down at my bedside and brushed my hair over my ears. "I know. I know they do." he said, gently. "Oh, it was all my fault, Frodo. I should have been more careful. I was so clumsy. I knew I shouldn't have been running so fast." Frodo shook his head and clicked his tongue. "No, no, no. It is not your fault."

My entire body was in pain. I choked up and tried my best to hold back my tears. "I don't think I'll ever get better, Frodo. hurts...too much." Frodo grinned. "My precious, Brianna. I have faith that you will get better. You just have to give it some time." he reassured me. "How long will it take?" I asked. Frodo let out an exasperated sigh. "I am not sure, dear. But, do not fret. I will take very good care of you. You will get better in no time. I promise."

I felt a cold gust of air blow against my feet. I trembled. I fixed my gaze on my bedroom window, which was left ajar. I looked up at Frodo. "Frodo? Can...can you please close the window? I'm cold." I shuddered. "Of course." replied Frodo.

Frodo walked over to the window and shut it. He drew some curtains over it to make sure that the sunlight wasn't getting into my eyes. "Thank you, Frodo." I smiled. I licked my lips. The roof of my mouth was dry. I was in desperate need of something to quench my thirst.

I looked up at Frodo again. My eyes grew wide. "Frodo, could...could I please have...something drink?" I begged. Frodo took his place beside me. "Of course. What would you like? Some warm tea?" I shook my head. "No, thank you." "Some water?" I shook my head again. "No, thank you." Frodo sighed, quietly. "Hmm. Would you like a glass of milk, perhaps?"

"Milk." I thought. "I guess it couldn't be that bad. I mean, milk does help build strong bones. I think it would benefit me." I nodded and smiled. "Yes, please, Frodo." I answered. "Would you like anything else, Brianna? Anything to eat?" I shook my head. "No, thank you. I would just like some milk, please." Frodo grinned and ruffled my hair around, playfully. "Alright, then. I will see to it. Maybe you should try closing your eyes for a while and get some much needed rest." "I'll try." I replied, after Frodo had left the room.

A few minutes later, I heard Frodo stepping into the room. He carried a tall glass filled halfway with white, creamy goat's milk. "I hope this is to your liking, Brianna." Frodo smiled, as he handed me the glass. I found it difficult to sit up. I was as stiff as a rock. I didn't think I was going to be able to drink the milk lying down. "Frodo, I'm having trouble getting up." I said, timidly.

Frodo smiled. He took the glass of milk out of my hand and onto the nightstand beside me. Frodo placed one of his hands firmly on my back and the other one around my shoulder. As he gently lifted me up, I felt a rush of adrenaline flowing to my head. I let out a loud groan. Frodo rubbed my back, tenderly. "I'm sorry." he said, softly. I stared down into my lap. "It's alright." I replied.

Frodo snatched the glass of milk off the nightstand and handed it to me. I took a large sip of the milk and wiped my mouth with the edge of the sleeve of my shirt. I handed the glass back over to Frodo. He set it back on the nightstand and gently lowered me to my mattress.

"Would you like anything else, dear one?" Frodo asked, in a polite manner. "No, thank you." I replied. "Are you sure?" "I'm alright, Frodo. I don't need anything."
I could see in Frodo's wide blue eyes that he desperately wanted to help me. He was deeply concerned for me. I saw him snatch my bright pink security blanket off the end of my bed. He came over to me, lifted the blanket high in the air, and tucked me in. "There. That should be more comfortable for you, Brianna." Frodo smiled. I nodded my stiff head. " is, Frodo. Thank you."

Frodo sat down where my head lay and placed his cool hand on my forehead. His eyes, his beautiful ocean eyes, were glued onto mine. Something seemed to have been bothering him. "Frodo?" "Yes, dear?" "Are you alright? You look worried about something." Frodo chuckled, nervously. He swallowed deeply. "I'm....I'm not worried about anything."
"It's alright, Frodo." I reassured him. "You can tell me."

Frodo sighed. He knew that he could never lie to me. He swallowed once more and continued to speak. "I'm worried about you, Brianna." Frodo whispered. "You are?" I asked, timidly. Frodo nodded his head slowly with his eyes closed. "Yes. Brianna." "Oh." I replied.

"I want...I stay here with you. I cannot bear to see you in such pain, Brianna. It is breaking my heart." Frodo cuffed my chin with his hand. "I want to spend my time looking after the people I love and care about the most. You are a part of me, Brianna. You always will be." Frodo's voice drifted into a whisper. "You know how much I love you, don't you, Brianna?" I nodded my head. "I do."
"I know. I know you do, Brianna."

Frodo leaned forward and kissed me tenderly on the forehead. He carefully lifted me up from the bed and held me protectively in his arms. He began to rock me back in forth. I felt his warm breath against my neck. "Oh, my precious, precious, girl." Frodo whispered. I felt comfort in his embrace. I felt peace. Peace. Peace. Peace.

Frodo gently lowered me back into my bed and wrapped me back up in my duvet and my pink blanket. My eyes became drowsy and tired. I fell into a deep sleep. Frodo kissed me multiple times on the forehead. He took a hold of my right hand and rubbed it in gentle, circular motions. "I love you so much, Brianna." Frodo whispered. Frodo's soothing voice gave me chills. "I love you. Forever and always."

For the rest of the afternoon and all the way into the evening, Frodo spent every minute and every hour with me. At my bedside. Watching me as I slept. Watching. Watching.

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