The Memory

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(I am 16 years old in this fanfic, if any of you are confused about my age.)

I heard a loud sobbing noise coming from Frodo's bedroom. "Frodo?" I called out. "Frodo?" I quietly tiptoed over to Frodo's room and I knocked softly on his door. "Frodo, are you alright? May I come in?" "I...don't think...that's a good idea, dear." Frodo whimpered.
I wanted to see what was wrong with Frodo, so I opened up his door. I saw him sitting on his bed, crying. Frodo's eyes were watery and his cheeks were stained with tears. "Frodo? Are you alright?" I sat down beside him on his mattress. Frodo's body was shaking violently. I knew I had to do something to make him feel better. "What's wrong?" I had an uneasy feeling growing inside me. Frodo turned away and wiped his cheeks with the corner of his sleeve.
"I am so sorry, my dear." he snivelled. "You'll have to excuse me. I'm not at my best."
It pained me to see Frodo all upset. It struck a cord in my heart. I gingerly placed my hand on his right shoulder. "What happened?" I asked him, in a soft voice. I could see Frodo's lips trembling. I could hear his teeth chattering. I wanted to make him feel better, so I asked him politely if he wanted to hold me. Frodo nodded his head and shuffled his way towards me. He embraced me in his arms and he sobbed into my shoulder.
"I...I...I..." Frodo stuttered. "I had a horrifying flashback." "A flashback of what?"
"Of y-y-you. R-R-Remember when" "Yes?" "R-R-Remember" "When I what?" I asked. My voice became shaky and uneasy. "When I what, Frodo?" "Y-Y-You...fell?" I nodded my head. "Yes, I remember."


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"Y..Y...You were so helpless. I could...s-s-still remember the sound...of your....scream. It still haunts me. If...If...I hadn't of found you..."
Frodo and I gazed into each other's eyes. Frodo gently stroked my cheek with the palms of his hands. I started to choke up. I tried my best to stay strong for him, but I couldn't take it any more. All of a sudden, I bawled my eyes out in front of Frodo. "I'm so sorry, Frodo. I can't...."

      Frodo held me close to him

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Frodo held me close to him. He wrapped me up in a blanket and he would not let me go. He rocked me back and forth. "Oh, oh." Frodo soothed. "My darling, my darling. It's alright. It's alright." Frodo knew he had to stay strong for me. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you." he spoke in a mild voice. I quietly wept into Frodo's chest. Frodo gently patted my back and stroked my hair. "No, Frodo. It's not your fault." I wailed.
"Shhh.", Frodo cooed. "Shhh."
I sniffled and lifted up my head, fixing my gaze on Frodo's eyes. "Can I stay here with you, Frodo, if that's alright?" I asked, in a shaky voice. "Yes." Frodo responded. "Yes, you can."
All of a sudden, I shut my eyes and buried my face into Frodo's chest. I leaned my forehead onto his left breast. Frodo found that I had fallen asleep in his arms. He chuckled, weakly and patted my back again. A few minutes later, Frodo had fallen asleep beside me. "I'm so glad you're alright." he murmured in his sleep.

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