Two Hearts

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Merry and I were both sitting on the living room couch, talking quietly with each other. "I'm really glad you could make it, Merry." "Me too, Bri." Merry leaned forward and warmly embraced me. I rested my head on Merry's shoulder and closed my eyes.
I felt Merry's warm breath against my face. After we let go of each other, Merry took a hold of both of my hands. "You know what I love about you, Bri?" "W-W-What?" I stuttered. Merry brushed my hair over both of my ears. "You are such a wonderful girl." "Y-You really think so?" I covered my hand over my mouth in surprise. "Yes. I really do.", Merry replied.
I chuckled, nervously. "Gosh, Merry. I don't know what to say." "I do." "What do you mean, Merry?" I asked, hesitantly.
"I love you." Merry blurted out. "He, he, he." I tittered. "Gee, Merry. That's...that's, uh, very thoughtful of you."
All of a sudden, I grew very nervous in front of Merry. I stared down at my lap. Merry wrapped his right arm around my shoulder.

"Are you alright, Bri?" "I-I-I'm fine." I stammered. I felt like there were butterflies in my stomach. "It's alright, Bri. You can tell me." Merry reassured.
I swallowed hard. Merry moved in closer and smiled.

"Come on

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"Come on. Tell me what's wrong, sweetheart." Did Merry just call me 'Sweetheart'? My heart began to race and my hands began to shake. "I-I-It's just that....I-I-I....I get all nervous and shy whenever I'm around you." Merry grinned. The one thing that he really loved about me was my innocence. He'd love the way I'd get all nervous and shy in front of him.
Merry carefully pulled me in closer to him.

 Merry carefully pulled me in closer to him

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"Aww. It's alright, Bri. I understand." "Y-Y-You do?" "Of course I do." Merry embraced me again. I rested my head on top of his right shoulder. "It's alright, love. It's alright." he whispered in my ear. "M-M-Merry." I stuttered.
All of a sudden, Merry had kissed me softly upon my cheek. I was awestruck. My dark green eyes sparkled. I had become so overwhelmed with happiness that my eyes filled up with tears. "What's the matter?" Merry whispered. He wiped away the tears that were falling down my cheeks. "It's just that...I love you so much." I choked up.
"I know you do, Bri. I know." Merry whispered again. I buried my fave into Merry's chest. Merry massaged my back, delicately. "I love you, Merry." I whimpered. "I love you, too. I love you, too."

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